The shift towards a digital business model: a strategic decision for a Female Entrepreneur

Veronica Scuotto, Francesca Serravalle, Alan Murray, Milena Viassone

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The book chapter aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the shift towards a digital business model for the female and male entrepreneur. This shift is analysed by a ground test theory based on a comparative case study. Two case studies, categorized as small to medium enterprises operating in the creative industry in the city of Turin, Italy, are analysed against the six dimensions of the business model framework (Chesbrough, 2007): value proposition, target market, value chain, revenue mechanism, value network and competitive strategy and then used as a basis to compare a female and a male digital entrepreneur. As emerged, there is not a remarkable difference between the two entrepreneurs. Both stress the relevance of the digital approach in the aforementioned six dimensions of the digital business model, highlighting the relevance of the “value network” to improve employees’ working experience and customers’ experience.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWomen Entrepreneurs and strategic decision making in the global economy
EditorsFlorica Tomos, Naresh Kumar, Nick Clifton, Denis Hyams-Ssekasi
PublisherIdea Group Inc
ISBN (Electronic)9781522574804
ISBN (Print)9781522574798
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2019


  • entrepreneurship education
  • entrepreneurship education ecosystem
  • entrepreneurship education dimension


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