The shape of the Tz = +1 nucleus 94Pd and the role of proton-neutron interactions on the structure of its excited states

A. Yaneva, S. Jazrawi, M. Mikołajczuk, M. Górska, P.H. Regan, B. Das, H.M. Albers, S. Alhomaidhi, T. Arici, A. Banerjee, G. Benzoni, B. Cederwall, M.M.R. Chishti, D.D. Dao, T. Davinson, A. Gargano, J. Gerl, O. Hall, N. Hubbard, J. JolieI. Kojouharov, A.K. Mistry, F. Nowacki, M. Polettini, M. Rudigier, E. Şahin, H. Schaffner, A. Sharma, M. Armstrong, H.J. Wollersheim, P. Boutachkov, T. Dickel, E. Haettner, H. Heggen, Ch. Hornung, R. Knöbel, D. Kostyleva, N. Kurz, N. Kuzminchuk, I. Mukha, S. Pietri, W.R. Plass, Zs. Podolyák, C. Scheidenberger, Y.K. Tanaka, J. Vesic, H. Weick, U. Ahmed, Ö. Aktas, A. Algora, C. Appleton, J. Benito, A. Blazhev, A. Bracco, A.M. Bruce, M. Brunet, R. Canavan, A. Esmaylzadeh, L.M. Fraile, G. Häfner, K.P. Hucka, P.R. John, D. Kahl, V. Karayonchev, R. Kern, G. Košir, R. Lozeva, P. Napiralla, B.S. Nara Singh, R. Page, C.M. Petrache, N. Pietralla, J.-M. Régis, H. Rösch, P. Ruotsalainen, V. Sanchez-Temble, L. Sexton, R. Shearman, M. Si, V. Werner, J. Wiederhold, K. Wimmer, W. Witt, P. Woods, G. Zimba

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Reduced transition probabilities have been extracted between excited, yrast states in the N = Z + 2 nucleus 94Pd. The transitions of interest were observed following decays of the Iπ = 14+ , Ex = 2129-keV isomeric state, which was populated following the projectile fragmentation of a 124Xe primary beam at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung accelerator facility as part of FAIR Phase-0. Experimental information regarding the reduced E2 transition strengths for the decays of the yrast 8+ and 6+ states was determined following isomer-delayed Eγ1 − Eγ2 − △T2,1 coincidence method, using the LaBr3(Ce)-based FATIMA fast-timing coincidence gamma-ray array, which allowed direct determination of lifetimes of states in 94Pd using the Generalized Centroid Difference (GCD) method. The experimental value for the half-life of the yrast 8+ state of 755(106) ps results in a reduced transition probability of B(E2:8+ →6+ ) = 205+34 −25 e2fm4 , which enables a precise verification of shell-model calculations for this unique system, lying directly between the N = Z line and the N = 50 neutron shell closure. The determined B(E2) value provides an insight into the purity of (g9/2)n configurations in competition with admixtures from excitations between the (lower) N = 3 pf and (higher) N = 4 gds orbitals for the first time. The results indicate weak collectivity expected for near-zero quadrupole deformation and an increasing importance of the T = 0 proton-neutron interaction at N = 48.
Original languageEnglish
Article number138805
JournalPhysics Letters B
Publication statusPublished - 19 Jun 2024


  • γ spectroscopy
  • fast timing
  • pn interacion
  • isovector vs. isoscalar pairing
  • shell model


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