The role of travel-blogs in the production of destination images

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Past studies have demonstrated that image is a valuable concept for having a better understanding of the destination selection process of tourists (Bologlu and McCleary, 1999). However, little empirical study has focused on how destination images are actually formed, while it is important to consider that the initial image formation stage before actual travel is the most important phase in tourists' destination selection process (Pearce, 1982; Chon, 1991; Gartner 1994, Baloglu and McCleary 1999, Chen and Tsai, 2007). This paper focuses on the role of travel-blogs in the formation of destination images due to their relatively overlooked nature within this area of tourism literature. Choi et al. (2007: 118) argue that 'image and image formation have been examined extensively in the tourism literature due to its complex conceptual nature and its important role in influencing tourist decision making. However, research on the Internet as an image formation agent is still at an infancy stage'. During the past decade the Internet has become an important source of data collection for researchers as it provides a platform where traces of human thought are recorded in ways that were once imaginable (Bernard and Ryan, 2010: 20). Therefore, this paper focuses on the role of travel-blogs in the production/circulation of destination images.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2014
EventSummer Conference of the Leisure Studies Association 2014: Sport, Festivity and Digital Cultures - University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Jul 20149 Jul 2014 (Conference website.) (Conference programme.) (Conference Programme)


ConferenceSummer Conference of the Leisure Studies Association 2014
Abbreviated titleLSA 2014
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
OtherLSA 2014, Sport, Festivity and Digital Cultures brings together comparative and contrasting perspectives upon both the digital age in leisure and upon digital practices as leisure - as prevalent in cultural forms, such as sport or festivity and other leisure pursuits. The conference takes place in a particularly important year for both Scotland and the global sporting and cultural communities. Scotland plays host to the XXth Commonwealth Games in Glasgow and the Ryder Cup in 2014 at Gleneagles. Culturally, 2014 also marks the second “Year of Homecoming”, encouraging the successors of the global Scottish diaspora to return home for a year of cultural “extravaganza and festivity.
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