Statistical analysis of absenteeism in a university hospital center between 2007 and 2019

Charlène Millot, Bruno Pereira, Sophie Miallaret, Maëlys Clinchamps, Luc Vialatte, Arnaud Guillin, Yan Bailly, Ukadike Chris Ugbolue, Valentin Navel, Julien Steven Baker, Jean-Baptiste Bouillon-Minois, Frédéric Dutheil*

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Objectives: To estimate the evolution of compressible absenteeism in a hospital center and identify the professional and sociodemographic factors that influence absenteeism. 

Method: All hospital center employees have been included over a period of twelve consecutive years (2007 to 2019). Compressible absences and occupational and sociodemographic factors were analyzed using Occupational Health data. Since the distribution of the data did not follow a normal distribution, the number of days of absence was presented as a median (interquartile range (IQR): 1st quartile–3rd quartile), and comparisons were made using non-parametric tests followed by a negative binomial model with zero inflation (ZINB). 

Results: A total of 16,413 employees were included, for a total of 2,828,599 days of absence, of which 2,081,553 were compressible absences (73.6% of total absences). Overall, 42% of employees have at least one absence per year. Absent employees had a median of 15 (IQR 5–53) days of absence per year, with an increase of a factor of 1.9 (CI95 1.8–2.1) between 2007 and 2019 (p < 0.001). Paramedical staff were most at risk of absence (p < 0.001 vs. all other occupational categories). Between 2007 and 2019, the number of days of absence was multiplied by 2.4 (CI95 1.8–3.1) for administrative staff, 2.1 (CI95 1.9–2.3) for tenured, 1.7 (CI95 1.5–2.0) for those living more than 12 km from the workplace, 1.8 (CI95 1.6–2.0) among women, 2.1 (CI95 1.8–2.6) among those over 50 years of age, 2.4 (CI95 1.8–3.0) among “separated” workers, and 2.0 (CI95 1.8–2.2) among those with at least one child. 

Conclusions: Paramedical personnel are most at risk of absenteeism. Meanwhile, absenteeism is increasing steadily, and overall, the increase is major for administrative staff. The profile of an employee at risk of absenteeism is a titular employee, living at distance from work, probably female, over 50 years old, separated, and with children. Identifying professionals at risk of absenteeism is essential to propose adapted and personalized preventive measures.

Original languageEnglish
Article number12966
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Issue number19
Publication statusPublished - 10 Oct 2022


  • absenteeism
  • compressible absences
  • hospital
  • occupational factors
  • sociodemographic factors


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