Spectroscopy of Ne and Na isotopes: preliminary results from a EUROBALL + binary reaction spectrometer experiment

K.L. Keyes, A. Papenberg, R. Chapman, J. Ollier, X. Liang, M.J. Burns, M. Labiche, K.-M. Spohr, N. Amzal, C. Beck, P. Bednarczyk, F. Haas, G. Duchêne, P. Papka, B. Gebauer, T. Kokalova, S. Thummerer, W. von Oertzen, C. Wheldon

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The gamma-decay of fragments from deep-inelastic and multi-nucleon transfer processes which occur when a beam of 26Mg at 160MeV is incident on a thin 150Nd target was studied using the EUROBALL IV array of escape suppressed Ge detectors at Strasbourg. The good resolving power of EUROBALL IV was further increased by combining it with the Binary Reaction Spectrometer (BRS), used for the detection of projectile-like fragments. The BRS allows full kinematic reconstruction of the binary reaction allowing crucial Doppler corrections of gamma-ray spectra to be performed. Some preliminary results are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)431-432
Number of pages2
JournalThe European Physical Journal A
Issue numberSupplement 1
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2005


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