Single-particle states and parity doublets in odd-Z 221Ac and 225Pa from α-decay spectroscopy

E. Parr, J. F. Smith, P. T. Greenlees, P. A. Butler, K. Auranen, R. Chapman, D. M. Cox, D. M. Cullen, L. P. Gaffney, T. Grahn, E. T. Gregor, L. Grocutt, A. Herzáň, R.-D. Herzberg, D. Hodge, U. Jakobsson, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, J. M. Keatings, J. KonkiM. Leino, P. P. McKee, C. McPeake, D. Mengoni, A. K. Mistry, B. S. Nara Singh, G. G. O'Neill, J. Pakarinen, P. Papadakis, J. Partanen, P. Peura, P. Rahkila, P. Ruotsalainen, M. Sandzelius, J. Sarén, M. Scheck, C. Scholey, M. Siciliano, M. Smolen, J. Sorri, P. Spagnoletti, K. M. Spohr, S. Stolze, M. J. Taylor, J. Uusitalo

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Low-lying states in the odd-Z isotopes 22189Ac132 and 22591Pa134 have been studied using α -particle and αγ-coincidence spectroscopy in the 225Pa→221Ac→217Fr decay chain. Ground-state spin and parity assignments of Iπ =5/2 are proposed for both 221Ac and 225Pa , with the odd proton occupying the Ω = 5/2 orbital of the quadrupole-octupole deformed shell model in both nuclei. In 221Ac , excited states in the bands based on the Ω = 5/2 and Ω = 3/2 orbitals have been identified, including proposed parity-doublet states. The results suggest that reflection-asymmetric deformation of the ground state persists in the odd-A members of the isotope chains down to N = 132 for Ac and
N = 134 for Pa, before reaching the transitional region at N = 130.
Original languageEnglish
Article number034303
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2 Mar 2022


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