RILEM TC 203-RHM Repair mortars for historic masonry: The role of mortar in masonry: an introduction to requirements for the design of repair mortars

John J. Hughes, Koen van Balen, Beril Bicer-Simsir, Luigia Binda, Jan Elsen, Rob van Hees, Thorborg von Konow, Jan Erik Lindqvist, Paul Maurenbrecher, Ioanna Papayanni, Maria Subercaseaux, Cristina Tedeschi, Eleni-Eva Toumbakari, Margaret Thompson, Jan Valek, Rosario Veiga

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

49 Citations (Scopus)


Mortar has been in use for many thousands of years and is integral to most masonry construction. Its use is widespread in every culture where masonry is constructed. It is present in the majority of the global built cultural heritage, and is therefore a major consideration in building conservation. The effective design of a mortar for repairing masonry depends on a clear understanding of its function. The main functional uses of mortar in masonry are classified as bedding, pointing, grout, render, plaster, flooring and mortars for surface repairs. The requirements that each type of mortar must meet in service depend on its environmental exposure and its role in the masonry element that it is found within (e.g. issues such as historic authenticity, aesthetics, resistance to moisture ingress, structural integrity, and service life). Technical requirements such as adhesion, strength, elasticity, water and vapour transmittance, drying behaviour, thermal dilatation, ability to deal with salt contamination and freeze-thaw cycling, and its aesthetic properties can be quantified. Mortar properties can be adjusted by varying ingredients and their proportions, to meet the differing technical requirements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1287-1294
JournalMaterials and Structures
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012


  • Mortar
  • Classification
  • Requirements
  • Specification


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