Re-evaluating entrepreneurship education through a team-based approach: activities and archetypes within a Scottish university

Robert Crammond*, Ibiyemi Omeihe, Alan Murray

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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A university’s overall enterprising strategy, which includes identifying key stakeholders and teaching teams, promotes Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and encourages desired behaviours such as creativity, problem solving, and both market and risk awareness. Specifically within the classroom environment, EE is strengthened by a variety of formative or summative methods, exercises, and positive cultures. However, there is a lack of a clear conceptualisation of the team-based approach comprising of EE academics. Therefore, this chapter examines the enterprising activities and typical archetypal individuals and standards, through an exploratory mixed method study involving four selected undergraduate courses within a Scottish University. These activities and archetypes include prescriptive courses offered, surrounding enterprising opportunities for students, and influential individuals and processes. Qualitative student feedback is reviewed from across these four courses, and utilising a quantitative survey method, 136 students and staff responded from a sample of over 250 concerning themes of the embedding of enterprise in university, teaching methods, and networking with external partners. Findings indicate a remarkable, positive reaction to course structure and delivery, the support given from the new team-based approach, and voiced a need for EE to be universal across programmes involving experienced educators and entrepreneurs. However, results display an uncertainty concerning available networking opportunities during the entrepreneurial journey. This results in the chapter’s Team-based Re-Evaluation Model for EE. The model encourages systematic change towards a university’s pedagogical and experiential-based EE offering, originating from enterprising academic teams. Additionally, it heightens the significance of educator personality and experience, and embedding progressive, industry relevant practices within the university context.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProgress in Entrepreneurship Education and Training
Subtitle of host publicationNew Methods, Tools, and Lessons Learned from Practice
EditorsJoern H. Block, Jantje Halberstadt, Nils Högsdal, Andreas Kuckertz, Helle Neergaard
PublisherSpringer Cham
Number of pages13
ISBN (Electronic)9783031285592
ISBN (Print)9783031285585, 9783031285615
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2023

Publication series

NameFGF Studies in Small Business and Entrpreneurship
PublisherSpringer Cham
ISSN (Print)2364-6918
ISSN (Electronic)2364-6926


  • ebtrepreneurship education
  • higher education
  • university
  • teaching
  • leadership


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