Putting the ‘street’ in gang: place and space in the organisation of Scotland’s drug selling gangs

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Street gangs, by definition, enjoy a special relationship with the street. Prior research shows that some communities are synonymous with gangs and that turf holds a combination of expressive and instrumental value for gang members. As gangs evolve over time and through different levels of organization, however, gang’s relationship with the street changes. This shifting street dynamic is underexplored in prior research, thus, drawing on qualitative data from Scotland and Bourdieu’s theory of social field, the current study presents three cases of gangs at different stages of evolution and examines how levels of gang organization affect spatial relationships. As gangs accumulate sufficient street capital to evolve, we find territory is defined less physically and more relationally, with implications for gang research and practice.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Jul 2018
EventBritish Society of Criminology Annual Conference 2018 - Birmingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Jul 20187 Jul 2018
https://www.britsoccrim.org/conference-2018/ (Conference website.)


ConferenceBritish Society of Criminology Annual Conference 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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