Putting Caring Conversations into Practice

Belinda Dewar (Photographer)

Research output: Non-textual formWeb publication/site


Person Centred Care (PCC) – promoted by the Scottish Government – and Caring Conversations are proven to have positive effects for both patients and health professionals.

Caring Conversations, developed by Professor Belinda Dewar, are at the heart of compassionate relationship-centred care. They have been developed through “observation of over 240 hours of beautiful interactions in a care setting.”

They are also at the centre of the House of Care model* – this approach supports and enables people to articulate their own needs and decide on their own priorities, through a process of joint decision making, goal setting and action planning.

This training resource explains what Caring Conversations are – and will equip you to put them into practice, building on your existing valuable PCC skills and experience.

Now more than ever before, health care workers face daily pressures and challenges from many quarters. This programme aims to contribute to and build on the excellent work that so many dedicated people are already doing.

Using a mix of film and interactive content, this online tutorial explores the positive impact Caring Conversations can have on staff-to-patient and peer-to-peer relationships.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherWaverley Care
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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