Physical activity in secondary school pupils: headline indicators 2014

Natalie Nicholls, Julie Clark, Ade Kearns, Anne Ellaway, Paul McCrorie

    Research output: Book/ReportOther reportpeer-review


    In 2013, GoWell East commenced a cohort study of physical activity among secondary school pupils in Glasgow. The study will run from 2013 to 2017, following a group of pupils in six Glasgow secondary schools throughout their school careers from S1 to S5.

    The study tracks pupils' participation in physical activity, including sports, as well as other types of activity (including travel to and from school), during their school time and leisure time, during the week and at the weekend. The research is done by asking pupils to complete the Youth Physical Activity Questionnaire (YPAQ).

    In 2013, the pupils in the six schools who were in S1 were invited to complete the YPAQ survey and the key findings were published in a Headline Indicators report.

    This report is from the second survey of the same pupils, now in S2. A total of 722 S2 pupils completed the Wave 2 YPAQ survey across the six schools in 2014: 366 girls and 355 boys. The data was collected during April and May 2014, the same year as the Commonwealth Games, around three months prior to the Games themselves.

    This report presents some of the key findings from the wave two of the survey, comparing results for boys and girls across four activity areas:

    Physical activities, including sports
    Active travel to school
    Screen time

    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherGoWell/ Glasgow Centre for Population Health
    Number of pages29
    Publication statusPublished - 5 Jan 2015


    • mega sports events
    • legacy
    • schools
    • Physical activity
    • Sport
    • sedentary activity


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