Music Education Directory 2016-17

    Research output: Other contribution


    This Music Education Directory has been produced to allow anyone seeking a music course in the UK to locate, compare and contact education centres running those courses in their region.

    The database is split first regionally (London, South of England, Central England, North of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) and then within each separate region it is divided by subject area (music business and cultural theory, music performance and composition, music technology and production). Finally within each of these subject areas the information is split by level (higher education – degree level, further education – college qualifications, training courses).

    The information provided allows the user to link directly to the establishment websites and contact addresses for the courses they believe to be the most relevant to their career aspirations.

    It also shows, where relevant, any industry links the institutions have.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUK Music
    Number of pages216
    Place of PublicationLondon
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Dec 2016

    Publication series

    NameMusic Education Directory
    PublisherUK Music
    VolumeVol 14


    • music


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