Multiple comparator classifier framework for accelerometer-based fall detection and diagnostic

Ryan M. Gibson, Abbes Amira, Naeem Ramzan, Juan Pablo Casaseca, Zeeshan Pervez

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

93 Citations (Scopus)


There are a significant number of high fall risk individuals who are susceptible to falling and sustaining severe injuries. An automatic fall detection and diagnostic system is critical for ensuring a quick response with effective medical aid based on relative information provided by the fall detection system. This article presents and evaluates an accelerometer-based multiple classifier fall detection and diagnostic system implemented on a single wearable Shimmer device for remote health monitoring. Various classifiers have been utilised within literature, however there is very little current work in combining classifiers to improve fall detection and diagnostic performance within accelerometer-based devices. The presented fall detection system utilises multiple classifiers with differing properties to significantly improve fall detection and diagnostic performance over any single classifier and majority voting system. Additionally, the presented multiple classifier system utilises comparator functions to ensure fall event consistency, where inconsistent events are outsourced to a supervisor classification function and discrimination power is considered where events with high discrimination power are evaluated to further improve the system response. The system demonstrated significant performance advantages in comparison to other classification methods, where the proposed system obtained over 99% metrics for fall detection recall, precision, accuracy and F-value responses.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)94-103
Number of pages10
JournalApplied Soft Computing
Early online date14 Nov 2015
Publication statusPublished - 29 Feb 2016


  • Fall detection
  • Fall diagnostic
  • Improved comparator classification
  • Multiple combined classifiers
  • Wearable health monitoring


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