Middle Eastern extinctions: building a religious motivation for species protection

Tariq Almontaser, Jill Atkins*, Ali Elfadli, Abdullah Eskandrany, Abeer Hassan, Omar Mowafi, Simon Norton, Mohamed Saeudy

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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The extinction and biodiversity accounting literature focused initially on developed economies including the UK and Europe, spreading recently to research on Africa, especially South Africa, China and other countries in the Far East. The Middle East, however, has not received attention in the academic literature. Further, there seems to be less information readily available on species extinctions and biodiversity degradation in Middle Eastern countries. In this chapter, we address species extinctions in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Libya, to provide insights into the situation in these countries, problems and issues arising, as well as potential solutions. The authors present the causes of species extinctions in the Middle East as well as providing information on some of the initiatives underway to prevent extinctions. Whilst most of this book focuses on motivations for species protection grounded in financial materiality, accountability, legitimacy and ethics, this chapter builds a religious rationale, indeed imperative, for species protection and biodiversity conservation. Part I of this chapter discusses the status of threatened species in Saudi Arabia, providing an understanding of the importance of religion as a rationale for species protection. In Part II, the status of threatened species in Jordan is discussed. Part III provides detailed interview evidence on the deterioration of biodiversity in Libya and the need for enhanced species protection.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationExtinction Governance, Finance and Accounting
Subtitle of host publicationImplementing a Species Protection Action Plan for the Financial Markets
EditorsJill Atkins, Martina Macpherson
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherRoutledge Taylor & Francis Group
ISBN (Electronic)9781003045557
ISBN (Print)9780367492984, 9780367492977
Publication statusPublished - 29 May 2022


  • Middle Eastern extinction
  • religious motivation
  • species protection


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