Microscopic structure of the one-phonon 2+ states of 208Po

D. Kalaydjieva, D. Kocheva*, G. Rainovski, V. Karayonchev, J. Jolie, N. Pietralla, M. Beckers, A. Blazhev, A. Dewald, M. Djongolov, A. Esmaylzadeh, C. Fransen, K. A. Gladnishki, A. Goldkuhle, C. Henrich, I. Homm, K. E. Ide, P. R. John, R. Kern, J. KleemannTh. Kröll, C. Müller-Gatermann, M. Scheck, P. Spagnoletti, M. Stoyanova, K. Stoychev, V. Werner, A. Yaneva, S. S. Dimitrova, G. De Gregorio, H. Naïdja, A. Gargano

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The lifetimes of the 2+1and 4+1 states of 208Po were measured in the α -transfer reaction 204Pb (12C , 8Be ) 208Po by γ -ray spectroscopy utilizing the recoil distance Doppler shift method. The newly extracted transition strengths alongside ones of the decay of the 2+2 state were compared to the results of large-scale shell-model calculations using an effective interaction derived from the realistic CD-Bonn nucleon-nucleon potential. The comparison indicates the importance of the quadrupole isovector excitations in the valence shell for a fine tuning of the two-body matrix elements of the shell-model interaction.
Original languageEnglish
Article number024311
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review C
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2021


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