Making sense of the challenges of African ethnic minority businesses and why they persist

Olamide Oluwatosin Falehin, Kingsley Obi Omeihe, Shaif Ahammed, Alan Murray

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Despite the significant contributions that minority entrepreneurs make to both the economy and
society, there has been a lack of research on the unique challenges they face. This study aims to
address this gap by exploring the specific challenges encountered by African Ethnic Minority
businesses (EMBs) using mixed embeddedness theory. To gain a better understanding of the issues
and challenges associated with African EMBs, the findings reveal that African ethnic minority
businesses, despite being more inclined towards entrepreneurship, are confronted with structural
and systemic barriers that hinder their access to resources, social capital, and opportunities. The
implications of these findings are far-reaching and call for changes in policies, practices, and the
recognition of diversity. This study sheds new light on the obstacles that African ethnic minority
businesses face, contributing to the existing knowledge base that can assist entrepreneurs and
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationBritish Academy of Management 2024 Conference
PublisherBritish Academy of Management
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2024
EventBritish Academy of Management Conference 2024: Achieving transformation for greater good: societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers - Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sept 20246 Sept 2024


ConferenceBritish Academy of Management Conference 2024
Abbreviated titleBAM 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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