Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill Call for Views July 2020: Submission in Opposition to the Proposed Bill

Carlton Brick*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Other contribution

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This submission opposes the proposed Bill. It does so on the following principles:

This submission notes that the proposed Hate Crime legislation is indicative of an increasingly neoliberal turn in Scottish criminal justice policy. This turn has become increasingly punitive in form. The Bill exacerbates this worrying trend.

This submission notes that the increasingly punitive nature of the Bill will have adverse impacts upon the Scottish criminal justice system.

This submission notes that the proposed Bill undermines the equality implicit in law required to protect a diverse society

This submission notes that the proposed Bill undermines freedom of expression and lays a legislative basis for the criminalisation of the arts and academic enquiry
Original languageEnglish
TypeConsultation reponse
Media of outputText
Number of pages6
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Jul 2020


  • legislation
  • hate crime
  • Scotland
  • criminal justice


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