Future cities: using drama as a tool for exploring communities

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    This article is an account of and reflection on a process drama project that aims to explore young people’s attitudes towards community. Working with young people aged between 13 and 16 in a Romanian high school and beginning with a pretext of building a city from scratch, the Future Cities project asks the question ‘what makes community’? I argue that, in exploring notions of community and planning for cities of the future, the young people involved illustrate the process of communitas (Turner 1969) as they simultaneously inhabit the ‘drama world’ and ‘real world’ possible through metaxis (Boal 1995). I argue that this exploration of future cities is vital as the UK veers towards leaving the European Union in 2019 and - through engaging young people in thinking about their future communities - strong links can be maintained between Europe and a post-Brexit UK.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Specialist publicationDrama
    PublisherNational Drama
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2019


    • process drama
    • metaxis
    • communitas
    • Brexit
    • Europe
    • young people
    • Romania


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