From E-Learning to Games-Based E-Learning

Thomas Connolly, Mark Stansfield

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The emergence of the Internet has had a significant impact on higher education where we have seen elearning evolve from a marginal form of education to a commonly accepted and increasingly popular alternative to traditional face-to-face education. While e-learning has many advantages, there have been problems identified, such as lack of contact leading to feelings of isolation; the need for a motivated, self-disciplined, and mature learner; the monotonous nature of some e-learning materials; and increased drop out rates. If e-learning has developed a reputation for being ‘boring and mindless,’ games have developed the reputation for being engaging and challenging. In recent years, a new form of learning has been developing, namely games-based e-learning, which builds on the successes of e-learning while providing a more stimulating and relevant learning environment for younger people who have been brought up in an environment of powerful home PCs, graphic-rich multiplayer Internet gaming, and mobile phones with ever-increasing functionality. This article will explore the concept of games-based e-learning, discuss some of its pedagogic underpinnings, and examine barriers that may limit the uptake and development of this relatively new approach to learning.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEncyclopedia of Information Communication Technology (2 Volumes)
PublisherIdea Group Inc
ISBN (Electronic)9781599048468
ISBN (Print)9781599048451, 1599048450
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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