Exporting Zagreb, Constructing the Present of Memory

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    The construction of memory and the related processes of rewriting, recalling, remembering, commemorating, exalting as well as forgetting, are ultimately realised by merging the personal with the collective lens. Over the last decades ‘new’ European spaces have undergone the accelerated reframing of their socio-political reality. Parallel with economic transition from Socialism to neo-liberal Capitalism and market economy, historical narratives have been subjected to various editorial processes. Emergence out of versions of Socialism and embedding in post-Socialist realms also requires constructing of the present. Cultural memory has, thus, been put on the agenda of public inquiry with numerous attempts at re-historicizations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationExporting Zagreb Exhibition Catalogue
    Place of PublicationNational Museum Gdansk
    PublisherNational Museum of Gdansk
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Feb 2016
    EventExporting Zagreb, Constructing the Present of Memory. : International group exhibition. 19 artists - National museum of Gdansk , Gdansk , Poland
    Duration: 20 Feb 20167 Apr 2016


    ExhibitionExporting Zagreb, Constructing the Present of Memory.
    Internet address


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