Exploring the teacher asresearcher synergy through active learning methodologies

Santiago Matalonga, Alejandro Bia

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation


Active learning methodologies place students at the centre of the classroom, making them responsible for their learning, while the teacher takes a role in the background as a facilitator. We have been deploying and advocating for the use of active learning methodologies since 2013. In particular, we have applied TBL to Software Engineering courses at two different universities: two courses at Universidad ORT (Uruguay), and another at Universidad Miguel Hernández (Spain). Through the years, we have seen increased student engagement, and satisfaction.

In this presentation, we will describe our experience of combining and deploying active learning approaches. We will provide an account of how following a teacher-as-researcher approach enabled us to improve the student's experience in Software Engineering courses, improve our practice as teachers, and contribute to the academic community through experience reports and papers presented at international conferences.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2018
EventUWS Learning, Teaching & Research Conference 2018: Bridging Boundaries: Connecting Learning, Teaching & Research - UWS Paisley Campus, Paisley, United Kingdom
Duration: 27 Jun 201828 Jun 2018


ConferenceUWS Learning, Teaching & Research Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleUWSLTR
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Software Engineering
  • Software Engineering Education
  • Team-based leraning


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