Entrepreneurial motivation and barriers to enterprise creation in state fragility post-conflict: a case of Burundi

Chanel Bikorimana, Dina Modestus Nziku

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This study aims to critically examine entrepreneurial motivation and barriers faced by entrepreneurs in Burundi, a country which remains a fragile state due to post-conflict. Researchers developed three objectives namely: a) to critically examine the entrepreneurial motivation of Burundian entrepreneurs in fragile state post-conflict; b) to identify barriers faced by Burundian entrepreneurs; c) to provide recommendations for policymakers. Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in not only creating jobs and reducing poverty but also in promoting exchange between former conflict parties and building social capital across diverse ethnic communities, reducing conflicts and encouraging peacebuilding efforts in post-conflict areas (Moritz, et al., 2023; Yoosuf and Premaratne 2017; and Boudreaux 2007). A qualitative approach using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with 20 participants from two cities comprising 10 female, 8 male entrepreneurs and 2 stakeholders were employed followed by a six-step thematic data analysis. Findings reveal that participants were motivated by both necessity and opportunity factors. Entrepreneurs in our sample lack access to finance, markets, competition, skills, networks, obsolete technological infrastructures and corruption. This study is limited by sample size but rich enough to allow interpretation since only two cities were covered disqualifying the generalisation of findings. We recommend further studies using mixed methods with wider coverage and more government officials in the sample. The study revealed a gap in access to business support and a lack of training to help entrepreneurs improve skills in finance, and digital marketing, boosting women’s confidence and enhancing social networks. The novelty of this study lies in the empirical findings that shed light on motivation to start-up, barriers faced and strategies for overcoming barriers to start-up in a fragile country post-conflict.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Oct 2024
Event6th International Conference of Development and Economy - University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece
Duration: 11 Oct 202413 Oct 2024


Conference6th International Conference of Development and Economy
Abbreviated titleI.CO.D.ECON 2024
Internet address


  • entrepreneurial start-up
  • motivation
  • barriers
  • fragile state
  • post-conflict
  • Burundi


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