Education & training in a Scottish young offender prison: a document analysis of inspectorate reports

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In recent years education and training as mechanisms for enabling criminal desistence or rehabilitation have gained prominence. The growth of human rights discourse has undoubtedly contributed to this situation whereby prisoners must be provided with opportunities to flourish and develop skills. Basing itself upon official documents developed by inspectors of the prison and experiences of those living in custody in a young offenders’ prison, this paper pursues through content analysis the meaning and substance of the learning provision. It does not leave the analysis on inspectorate discourses there, but instead extends the research boundaries by exploring the challenges that prisoners encounter daily and how these abiding dimensions of their lives, the “pains of imprisonment”, likely impact and help explain the limited engagement by prison inmates with opportunities to learn and re-skill.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 30 Nov 2021
EventDiscourse, Power and Resistance 2020: The Values of Education - University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Duration: 11 May 202013 May 2020


ConferenceDiscourse, Power and Resistance 2020
Abbreviated titleDPR20
Internet address


  • prison
  • learning
  • engagement
  • enemies
  • health


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