Dyslexia in adulthood: experiences, coping and the importance of resilience

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


    This presentation aims to set the context for the symposium Dyslexia in adulthood:Challenges, Barriers and Enablers by providing an overview of research and practice relating to Dyslexia in adulthood. A synthesis of the existing evidence documenting the challenges encountered across a range of contexts (e.g.education. social) will be discussed to help identify barriers and enablers to success.The socio-emotional dimension will also be examined and the importance of adaptive coping strategies and resilience discussed.A cross-disciplinary literature review allowed identification of research relating to Dyslexia in adulthood. Only peer-reviewed, quantitative and qualitative papers were included and the main criteria for inclusion were that the study focused on Dyslexia in adults. A systematic search was conducted on a number of databases: EMBASE,PsychLIT, PsychINFO, MEDLINE, ERIC and the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Dyslexia impacts negatively upon self-esteem, socioemotionalwell-being, relationships, education and career choice. Positive experiences concerning the identification of their dyslexia,successful intervention and support were found. The relative benefits of quantitative and qualitative methods were examined and the immense insights offered by qualitative data recognised. Future research would benefit from adopting both a longitudinal and mixed methods approach to further inform understanding of the barrier and enablers to success experienced by adults with dyslexia.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 10 Mar 2016
    EventBritish Dyslexia Association 10th International Conference: Moving Forward: Challenges and Transitions - The Kings Centre, Oxford, United Kingdom
    Duration: 10 Mar 201612 Mar 2016
    https://bdainternationalconference2016.sched.com/ (Conference schedule)


    ConferenceBritish Dyslexia Association 10th International Conference
    Abbreviated titleBDA International Conference 2016
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


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