Doing ethnographic research in the Fiji Islands: research method and research ethics issues

Kieran Edmond James*

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The aim of this paper is to consider research method and research ethics issues in the unique location of the Fiji Islands. After arguing that Eurocentric, Anglo-American ethics clearance processes, embedded into Global North Universities, are culturally-inappropriate, in the Fiji setting, I go on to imagine alternative ethics clearance questions which pick up on and reflect adequately Fiji’s social and economic context. I discuss and explore why traversing relationships, relationships that traverse time and space through giving, receiving, obligation, reimbursement and forgiveness, often emerge in the Fiji context, and how they can be a local, social equilibrium, which benefits both parties. My own research on Fiji soccer history is used to provide illustrations and anecdotes throughout the paper.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
JournalCultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies
Early online date11 May 2023
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 May 2023


  • Althusserian Marxism
  • Fiji Islands
  • historical materialism
  • income-inequality
  • moral obligations
  • qualitative research methods
  • research ethics
  • traversing relationships


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