Doctoral students' voices

Chris Holligan*, Meriem Bennedjadi, Amaria Souci, Khadidja Maammeri, Houda Aggoun, Abir Bensetita

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePresentation

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Communities of learning have emerged to support the exchange of knowledge and experience through the internet for international students undergoing doctoral trajectories (Van de Laar et al 2017, 8). It is often unclear to the prospective PhD student what kind of education they are beginning and the challenges they will encounter. A significant proportion of PhD students worldwide do not complete their PhD. Research skills development and topic knowledge are two of the areas found from a needs assessment of sub-Sharan African PhD students to improve scholarly development. Researchers highlight the importance of the academic learning environment in shaping the student learning experience, identity construction and socialisation into academic culture (Hemmati et al, 2020). It is against this context that overseas PhD students studying in the UK provided a ‘template’ of recommendations that articulated their advice and insights into what they would tell others thinking about embarking on a PhD journey. The contribution of this Lightening Talk falls within this subject-matter. Prominent among the discourses of ‘advice’ highlighted in the personalised leaning journeys of these final year doctoral students are the following elements: psychological and practical preparation, know about different teaching methods, capacity to cope with solitude, caring for wellbeing.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2024
EventUWS Learning and Teaching Conference 2024 - UWS Paisley Campus, UWS London Campus, Online, Paisley, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 18 Jun 202421 Jun 2024


ConferenceUWS Learning and Teaching Conference 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityPaisley, London


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