Decent Work in Scotland; The Employers' Perspective: Interim Findings Report 2

Stephen Gibb, Mohammed Ishaq

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Employers and human resources managers believe that the creation of a clear and widely agreed definition of ‘decent work’ would be helpful, and they would welcome a simple way to measure it. Employers often believe that they already offer ‘decent work’, without necessarily having a clear understanding of what ‘decent work’ means. Many employers are concerned with improving performance and want to provide attractive places to work. It is important to identify and praise role model employers who provide ‘decent work’ – a ‘decent work employer badge’ could be a further workplace quality characteristic. Employers view responsibility for creating ‘decent work’ as shared with government and other key stakeholders. There are both overlaps and differences between employers’ perceptions of key features of ‘decent work’, and the perceptions of wider society and lower-paid workers as indicated in related research.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherUWS-Oxfam Partnership
Commissioning bodyOxfam
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2016

Publication series

NameUWS-Oxfam Partnership, Collaborative Research Reports Series


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