Case Study 6: stimulating research interest and practising research process

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingOther chapter contribution


Creating an inclusive knowledge environment of mutually reinforcing scholarship has several dimensions. In this practice, the subject taught is closely aligned to the lecturer's research interests into the efficiency of financial and alternative asset markets, and publications co-authored by the teacher are used to stimulate discussion, analysis and reflection on both the subject matter and the research process that underlies the content.

Students are required to undertake investigation that links the research ideas from the published papers with a critical appraisal of the efficiency of a developing financial market of their own choice.

The lecturer in turn is able to reflect on the oral and written contributions of students, and this, in turn, generates further research avenues both for the lecturer and for those
students who undertake dissertations in this subject area.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch-Teaching Linkages: Enhancing Graduate Attributes
Subtitle of host publicationBusiness, Management, Accountancy and Finance
EditorsMary Malcolm
PublisherThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education
Number of pages2
ISBN (Print)9781844828630
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2008
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameEnhancement Themes
PublisherThe Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education


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