Caring to Ask: How to embed caring conversations into practice across North East Glasgow

Cathy Sharp, Jo Kennedy, Ian McKenzie, Belinda Dewar

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This report arises from the recent practice inquiry into Inequalities Sensitive Practice (ISP) in the north east sector of the Glasgow Community Health Partnership, in collaboration with the Glasgow Centre for Population Health.    It reports on the experience and learning from that inquiry and sets out an approach to build on the initial progress to deepen and extend the reach of approaches to appreciative conversations trialled in three settings during 2013.   

The inquiry has brought people together in an exploration of the front line realities of inequalities sensitive practice.  It generated fresh and enlarged thinking about assumptions and practices in relation to ISP.  Through local small ‘tests of change’ it has demonstrated both the possibilities and barriers for practice development of this kind.  Ultimately it has shown how appreciative and routine feedback can enhance experience for both people using the services and staff and can also act as a route to service improvement and positive health and wellbeing outcomes.

The inquiry has generated a number of recommendations in relation to the further exploration of specific issues directly relevant to ISP.  But it went beyond that to suggest that ISP  is about more than whether services are providing ‘equality of care’ to clients, patients or service users,  it is also about professional practice, the daily business of how staff interact with the people they work with – their clients and also importantly, with each other.  The Glasgow CHP is confident that there is a need to develop this approach to help all staff to retain their positive regard for the people they encounter as patients, clients or service users and other colleagues and partners.  This will both improve ultimate health and social outcomes and enhance staff resilience and job satisfaction in the face of considerable and enduring challenges.

This short report highlights the key messages and outlines existing and new resources designed to support the extension of collaborative reflective and appreciative practice across all settings.  
Original languageEnglish
PublisherNHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


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