Bergson and Durational Performance: (Re)Ma(r)king Time

Research output: Book/ReportBookpeer-review


Humans have always marked time, whether by using the earth's natural rhythms or with the clock. Unlike pre-industrial people, living in an age of social acceleration is dominated by clock-time and network time, presenting many more options than can possibly be achieved in a human lifespan. 'Bergson and Durational Performance: (Re)Ma(r)king Time' explores the possibility of an alternative experience of time, one that is closer to the pure duration described by philosopher Henri Bergson.

The discussions in this book contribute to contemporary performance analysis, philosophy and Bergson studies as well as exploring aspects of immersive and participatory performance, walking practices, ritual and online performance. Using durational performances as case studies, the author demonstrates new insights into Bergson’s philosophy alongside key theorists in psychology and anthropology. Through a series of performance analyses, Bergson's philosophy of duration is coupled with ideas from Maslow, Csiksentmihalyi and Victor Turner to speculate on the possibilities available in challenging an experience of the world in which time is short, but the possibility of experience is abundant.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBristol
Number of pages290
ISBN (Electronic)9781789386240
ISBN (Print)9781789386226
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2022


  • Bergson
  • social acceleration
  • duration
  • time
  • Maslow
  • Csiksentmihalyi
  • Turner
  • smooth consumption


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