An innovative tripartite approach to the design and implementation of multi-disciplinary wound care curriculum in higher education

Sharon Gardner*, Heather Hodgson, Jane Munro

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The benefits of tripartite approaches are widely established however much less is known about its contribution to higher education, specifically multi-disciplinary wound care. To determine this, a nurse lecturer from the University of the West of Scotland, the NHS GG&C Tissue Viability Team and Clinical Manager, Mediq UK collaborated to design a SQA accredited curriculum to meet the NMC(2023) ambition to modernise post-registration education standards.

Tripartite working involves members from three different disciplines working together to share knowledge and skills to achieve the best outcomes. For this case the three working groups are formed from education, NHS and commercial backgrounds: University West of Scotland, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Mediq UK. The aim of this collaboration is to provide education that has moved with the times including:
• fit for purpose
• accessible for all disciplines
• internationally accessible
• collaboration of different skills, experience and attributes

Each lead accessed the UWS virtual learning environment. Allowing for local circumstances, in line with EWMA guidance, educational priorities were agreed. The approach synthesised very different skills, experience and attributes, each contributing learning resources to the VLE instructional design. Student support was augmented by named clinical and educational experts.

Results / Discussion:
An increase in creativity by generating new ideas, thoughts and approaches were observed. This resulted in innovative ways to present new clinical content accessible and suitable for all disciplines delivered in an interactive informative way. Early evaluation indicates a progressive, modern curriculum fit for purpose and an international audience.

Munro (2020) explored professionals concerns of managing wound care and their difficulty accessing structured training. Industry partners play a significant contribution to training and education. Each party monitored and critiqued the actions of the other where the whole is better than the individual parts, the combination of individual elements created a result that was more valuable than the sum of each individuals contribution alone.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2024
Event34th European Wound Management Association Conference - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 May 20243 May 2024


Conference34th European Wound Management Association Conference
Abbreviated titleEWMA 2024
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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