An eBPF-XDP hardware-based network slicing architecture for future 6G front- to back-haul networks

Pablo Salva-Garcia, Ruben Ricart-Sanchez, Jose M. Alcaraz-Calero, Qi Wang, Octavio Herrera-Ruiz

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The heterogeneous requirements imposed by different vertical businesses have motivated a networking paradigm shift in the next generation of mobile networks (beyond 5G and 6G), leading to critical operation competitiveness of improved productivity, performance and efficiency. Furthermore, with the global digital revolution, such as Industry 4.0, and a connected world, network virtualisation together with high reliability and high performance communications have become crucial elements for mobile network operators. To minimise the negative effects that could affect critical services, network slicing is widely recognised as a key technology with the objective of meeting the Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in future 6G networks. In this context, it is essential to introduce a programmable data plane able to enforce flexible Quality of Service (QoS) commitments, while providing high-performance packet processing and real-time monitoring capabilities. To this end, this paper is focused on designing, prototyping and evaluating a novel framework that leverages a set of hardware-based technologies including eXpress Data Path (XDP), extended Barkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) and Smart Network Interface Cards (SmartNICs) to offload network functionality with the objective of providing high-performance pre-6G front-, mid-and back-haul network communications and thus, decreasing the overhead incurs by the Linux Kernel. The proposed solution is implemented based on bypassing the Linux Kernel and accelerating the communication, while providing network slice control and real-time monitoring capabilities. The main aim of this framework is to ensure network communications in forthcoming 6G infrastructures by guaranteeing 6G KPIs and avoiding system overload. The empirical validation of this solution for Industry 4.0 services as an example use case demonstrates key performance improvements in terms of packet processing as high as about 25Gbps, 20M packet per second, 0% packet loss, 0.1ms of latency and less than 10% load on the CPUs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2224-2239
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
Issue number2
Early online date3 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • 6G
  • programmable data plane
  • eBPF
  • XDP
  • network slicing


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