5G IoT system for real-time psycho-acoustic soundscape monitoring in smart cities

José M. Alcaraz-Calero, Jaume Segura-Garcia, Adolfo Pastor-Aparicio, Santiago Felici-Castell, Qi Wang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)
105 Downloads (Pure)


In Next-Generation Technologies, the monitoring of environmental noise nuisance in the Smart City should be as efficient as possible. 5G IoT systems offer a great opportunity to offload the node calculation, as they provide a number of new concepts for dynamic computing that previous technologies did not offer. In this case, a complete 5G IoT system for psycho-acoustic monitoring has been implemented using different options to offload the calculation of the parameters to different parts of the system. This offloading has been implemented by directly computing the metrics in the node (as a Raspberry Pi), and in a ESP32 device (FiPy) and by sampling the audio and sending it to the EDGE in the psycho-acoustic metrics algorithm in order to evaluate the performance of the system and has been compared with the calculation at the node itself.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication10th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems (EATIS 2020)
Subtitle of host publicationNovember 25–27, 2020, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal
Place of PublicationNew York
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)9781450377119
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2020
Event10th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems - Online, Aveiro, Portugal
Duration: 25 Nov 202027 Nov 2020
http://eatis.org/eatis2020/ (Conference website.)


Conference10th Euro American Conference on Telematics and Information Systems
Abbreviated titleEATIS 2020
Internet address


  • 5G IoT
  • psycho-acoustics
  • smart city
  • soundscape monitoring


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