5G-based smart ambulance: the future of the emergency service in the global pandemic and beyond

Ignacio Martinez-Alpiste, Jose M. Alcaraz Calero, Qi Wang, Gelayol Golcarenarenji, Enrique Chirivella-Perez, Pablo Salva-Garcia

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Seamless connectivity for patients, first responders and health care professionals including medical centres is becoming an important aspect of the quality of emergency medical care. 5G networks and related technologies can significantly improve “care on the go”, assisting first responders and health care service providers by enabling guaranteed wireless connectivity and real time multimedia communications with hospitals in advance of patient arrival. In this article, Ignacio, Jose, Qi, Gelayol, Enrique and Pablo consider the use of network slicing as one of the key elements enabling high quality real time multimedia communication between emergency medical personnel and hospitals. They present a network slicing architecture, and its implementation, as part of their 5G trials for the European project SliceNet, and discuss technical requirements for real time video or information transmission. They also argue that such shared but highly reliable connectivity could make ambulances more intelligent, further enabling emerging tools such as machine learning or artificial intelligence to further improve real time services.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Specialist publicationIEEE ComSoc Technology News
PublisherIEEE Communications Society
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2020


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