新媒体赋能非遗传播的策略探索: 以潮州手拉朱泥壶为例

Translated title of the contribution: Exploring strategies for empowering intangible cultural heritage promotion through new media: the case of Chaozhou hand-made red clay teapots

Caiyong Zhuang, Xiuli Guo*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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新媒体为非遗传播提供了新途径和新平台。作为国家级非遗项目,潮州手拉朱泥壶在新媒体推广和传播方面的潜力尚未被充分挖掘。基于此,文章分析了潮州手拉朱泥壶当前的发展状况,探讨了其在新媒体环境传播中存在的不足, 并提出利用新媒体推广和保护潮州手拉朱泥壶的策略。
New media offers innovative avenues and platforms for the promotion of intangible cultural heritage (ICH). As a nationally recognised ICH project in China, the Chaozhou hand-made red clay teapot holds untapped potential in terms of promotion and dissemination through new media. This article examines the current development status of Chaozhou hand-made red clay teapots, identifies challenges in their promotion within the new media landscape, and proposes strategies for leveraging new media effectively for the preservation and promotion of this cultural heritage.
Translated title of the contributionExploring strategies for empowering intangible cultural heritage promotion through new media: the case of Chaozhou hand-made red clay teapots
Original languageChinese (Simplified)
Pages (from-to)16-18
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2024


  • new media
  • intangible cultural heritage
  • hand-made red clay teapot
  • promotion


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