I am a qualitative researcher in social sciences education and have particular expertise in Educational, Religious, Historical, Comparative, research. I teach course in teacher education (including school practicum), education general, religious education, related areas in social science educatio. In my research, I adopt a number of theoretical perspectives: (a) Critical Theory and Subaltern Discourses in historical and sociological spaces (Antonio Gramsci), (b), Phenomenological Approaches to the study of religion (Ninian Smart), (c) Post/Anti-Colonial Approaches to education (George Sefa Dei), (d) Critical Perspectives on Policy and Practice in Education (Stephen Ball), (d) Selective Tradition (Michael Apple), (e) Risk Society Theory (Ulrich Beck) and (f) Bourdieusian social space in education (Bourdieu).
I have experience examining Masters dissertations and Doctoral theses (PhD and DProf), including doctoral examination ansd chairing doctoral vivas. I welcome masters and doctoral students (see the outline of my academic expertise below).
PhD Thesis Supervision – Completed
- Mojolaoluwa Opeyemi Alabi (Viva success October 2022): University Graduates’ Self-Directed Learning and the Use of Diversified Strategies in Developing Income Generation Portfolios in Nigeria (as second supervisor).
- Samson Oyerinde Oladejo (awarded 2022): Discourses of Risk and (In)access to Free Basic Education in Nigeria with Special Reference to the Perspectives of Children and Young People in the Deprived Areas of Lagos (as lead supervisor). Dr Oladejo is now lecturer in Business Management, De Montfort University, UK (https://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/academic-staff/business-and-law/samson-oladejo/samson-oladejo.aspx)
- Jayakumar Chinnasamy: (awarded 2021): Educators’ Perspectives of Internationalisation in Scottish Higher Education: Culture, Identity, and Constructions of Scottishness (as co-lead supervisor): Dr Chinnasamy is now lectuer in Education, University of the West of Scotland, London Campus (https://www.uws.ac.uk/staff-directory/jayakumar-chinnasamy/).
- Marjorie McCrory (awarded 2016): Transition from Schoolteacher to University Academic: Exploring Practices, Values, and Identity within and between Professional Learning Communities (as third supervisor). Dr McCroy is senior lecturer and interim Head of Social Work, School of Education and Social Sciences, University of the West of Scotland (https://www.uws.ac.uk/staff-directory/marjorie-mccrory/).
Current PhD Students
Lead (Main/First) Supervisor
- Gabriel Yolum Chamdimba: Discourses of quality assurance in Malawian private and public universities: A comparative analysis (February 2023).
- Carly King: Negotiating communication, participation, and fairness in intercultural classrooms among students from different cultural backgrounds in Scottish universities (started Oct 2022).
- Naga Sai Dinavahi: Regulatory Changes and their Impact on Independent Higher Education Institutions (HIEs) in England: A Case Study (Started Oct 2022)
- Amira Lagha: An Investigation of How Universities in Algeria Can Engage in Interdisciplinary Collaboration to Enhance Students’ Understanding and Application of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in their Studies: A CHAT Analysis (started November 2019)
- Zeyneb Bouzaida: Algerian Muslim Parents’ Understandings of the Purpose of Quranic Schools: A Phenomenological Study (started November 2019)
- Nor Elhouda Zenati: Policy Networks in Higher Education Policymaking: A Comparative Study of Algeria and Scotland 1999-2020 (started February 2020).
- Mehdjouba Ghezali: Teaching and Learning in Algerian Prisons: Critical Perspectives of Prison Educators (started October 2019).
- Hanane Belaidi: Linguistic Repertoires of Algerian Secondary School Teachers: A Bourdieusian Perspective (started 2017).
PhD Second Supervisor
- Meriem Abid: Exploring Values in the Algerian Second-Generation Curriculum: Critical Perspectives of EFL Teachers (started June 2018)
- Ikram Boukhetala: Supporting creativity: A comparative case study of Algerian Middle and secondary private and public schools (started 2020).
- Nasrin Sultana: Leadership and School Improvement Initiatives in Bangladesh Primary Education (started November 2020)
- Amina Abdessalam: Intercultural competence amongst study abroad students (started 2015).
- Tamara Horsburgh: The Impact of Holding the Christian Theology of Embodiment for Christian Believers Diagnosed with the Onset of Dementia: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (started 2014 - DProf).
PhD Assessor
- Nan Yang: Teacher-student Interaction in the Context of College Classrooms: An Investigation of Teacher’s Oral Feedback to English Majors (onging)
- Chelle Oldham: The Value of Education: a narrative of family choices and educational spaces (ongoing)
- Ioannis Makris: Technology education in Greece (ongoing)
- Fekih Miloud: Dyslexia within the ESL context (graduated)
- Laura Wilson: Internationalisation of Higher Education: From the perspective of the educator (graduated)
- Nawel Mansouri (Algeria): The use of a weblog storytelling to develop creative writing among Algerian EFL students (graduated)
- Nawal Ouchene: Investigation of Cultural Aspects in Algeria Secondary School Textbook (graduated).
- Shaddai Tembo: Heteronormativity in Early Years Practice - identifying how heteronormativity manifests, and is sustained, through different spaces of childcare practices in ECEC settings in Scotland (viva success)
- Houda Aggoun: Understanding family separation in the experiences of Algerian students and families whose children take PhD studies in the UK using the concept of emotional labour (ongoing)
Masters Dissertation Supervision - Completed
- Lynn Nisbet (2019): Exploring significant aspects of the Seasons for Growth programme: perspectives of individuals in positive destinations.
- Emily Buckland (2020): Teacher Stress at an International Secondary School in Hong Kong: A Case Study.
- Michael White (2021): The Potential for Brief Mindfulness-Based Reduction Training in Dealing with Stress for Call Centre Advisers within the UK Banking Industry.
- Gordon Powrie (2021): An Exploration of School Refusal Among Young People in Scotland, with distinction.
- Mirjam Duvivié (2021): Loneliness among young people in Austria in the context of Covid-19 health crisis, with distinction.
- Lynn S. Byers (2021): A Comparative Analysis of Two Early Intervention Programmes to Support Young Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Within the Context of One Local Authority Early Years Support Unit
- David Lumsden (2022): Educators’ Perspectives on the Conceptualisation and Application of Trauma Informed Strategies in English Psychiatric Schools: A Phenomenological Study, with distinction.
Prestige and Contribution
- High quality published research: entered in UOA 23 in the UK’s prestigious Research Exercise Framework (REF) in 2014 and 2021.
- Editor-In-Chief, MTEC Journals, Malawi
- Deputy Editor: British Journal of Religious Education (https://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=editorialBoard&journalCode=cbre20)
- Editorial Board Member: Curriculum Journal (https://bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/hub/journal/14693704/editorial-board).
- Comparative and International Education Society (CIES). Co-chair: Religion, Education and Society SIG (https://www.cies.us/page/RE_SIG)
- TEAN Executive Committee Member: https://tean.ac.uk/tean-executive-committee/
- Peer reviewer for more than 11 reputable international journals.
- Internationally recognised scholar and expert in religion in educational contexts and have published extensively in this field: https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=n3xqaIEAAAAJ&hl=en.
- Co-author of a critical book: Religious Education in Malawi and Ghana: Perspectives on Religious Misrepresentation and Misclusion (Routledge, 2021): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Religious-Education-Malawi-Ghana-Misrepresentation/dp/0367352141.
- Co-editor of a major book: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religious Education in the Global South (Bloomsbury, 2022): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Bloomsbury-Handbook-Religious-Education-Global/dp/1350105821.
- Co-guest editor: Decolinising Religious Education: International Perspectives on Theory, Policy, and Practice: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cbre20/43/1
- Postgraduate Research Coordinator, UWS Division of Education.
- Research Seminar convener, UWS Division of Education.
- Academic host for visiting research fellows, UWS Division of Education (since 2014).
- Chairperson (2018-), Further and higher Education Forum, Scotland-Malawi Partnership (civil organisation): https://www.scotland-malawipartnership.org/events/further-higher-education-forum.
- Trustee: David Livingstone Trust (2020-): https://www.david-livingstone-birthplace.org/governance
- Erasmus scholar: University of Malta (2017), Absalon University College, Denmark (2019) and Bern University of Teacher Education, Switzerland (2022) – awarded under the Swiss European Mobility Programme (SEMP).
- Member of prestigious scholarly organisations such as the Royal Historical Society (RHS) and (by invitation) International Seminar on Religious Education and Values (ISREV).
- Contributor (by invitation) to academic blog: (a) prison education commissioned by the European Union: https://ec.europa.eu/epale/en/blog/prison-education-purposeful-activity-scottish-young-offenders-institutions and (b) moral capital focusing on Malawi: https://moralcapital.info/
I have expertise in the following areas (including Masters and Doctoral supervision):
- Decolonising/Anticolonising Education
- Teacher Education and Professional Learning
- Religious and Moral Education
- Theological and Missiological Education
- Mental Health/Wellbeing and Education
- Sociology of Education
- Education in Developing Countries
- Comparative and International Education
- Indigenous Studies and Education
- Prison Education
- African and Church History
- Quality Assurance in Higher Education
Potential Grant applications
(a) "Improving Quality of Higher Education in Malawi in the Context of UK NARIC Assessment" - Scottish Goverment Malawi Grant
(b) "Who teaches in Prison, Why and What Qualifies them: Towards the Professionalisation of Prison Education in Scotland - A GTCS Aspiration
(c) Networking with Stakeholders on the Status of and Action for Inclusive Religious Education South of the Sahara.
Malawi Prison Service
Scottish Prison Service
Schools in Scotland
Schools in Malawi
Universities Africa, South of the Sahara
Third sector providers of prison education in the UK