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  • 2025

    First identification of excited states in 78Zr and implications for isospin nonconserving forces in nuclei

    Zimba, G. L., Ruotsalainen, P., Jenkins, D. G., Satuła, W., Uusitalo, J., Wadsworth, R., Pereira Lopez, X., Auranen, K., Briscoe, A. D., Cederwall, B., Chen, S., de Angelis, G., Doncel, M., Ertoprak, A., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Illana, A., Joukainen, H., Julin, R. & Jutila, H. & 15 others, Keatings, J., Louko, J., Luoma, M., Plaza, A. M., Sarén, J., Nara Singh, B. S., Ojala, J., Pakarinen, J., Rahkila, P., Romero, J., Sood, A., Stott, A., Sullivan, C., Tann, H. & Tolosa Delgado, A., 14 Jan 2025, In: Physical Review Letters. 134, 8 p., 022502.

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  • 2024

    Broken seniority symmetry in the semimagic proton mid-shell nucleus 95Rh

    Das, B., Cederwall, B., Qi, C., Górska, M., Regan, P. H., Aktas, Ö., Albers, H. M., Banerjee, A., Chishti, M. M. R., Gerl, J., Hubbard, N., Jazrawi, S., Jolie, J., Mistry, A. K., Nowacki, F., Polettini, M., Yaneva, A., Ahmed, U., Alhomaidhi, S. & Algora, A. & 69 others, Appleton, C., Arici, T., Bagchi, S., Benzoni, G., Benito, J., Blazhev, A., Boutachkov, P., Bracco, A., Bruce, A. M., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Davinson, T., Dickel, T., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Haettner, E., Hall, O., Häfner, G., Heggen, H., Hornung, C., Hucka, J. P., John, P. R., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kern, R., Knöbel, R., Korgul, A., Kosir, G., Kojouharov, I., Kostyleva, D., Kuzminchuk, N., Kurz, N., Liotta, R., Lozeva, R., Mikolajczuk, M., Mukha, I., Napiralla, P., Page, R., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Plaß, W. R., Podolyák, Z., Régis, J.-M., Rudigier, M., Rösch, H., Ruotsalainen, P., Sahin, E., Sánchez-Tembleque, V., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Schirru, F., Sexton, L., Nara Singh, B. S., Sharma, A., Shearman, R., Si, M., Tanaka, Y. K., Vasiljević, J., Vesić, J., Vilhena, J., Weick, H., Wollersheim, H. J., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Witt, W., Woods, P. J., Zimba, G. & Zhao, J., 10 May 2024, In: Physical Review Research. 6, 2, 7 p., L022038.

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  • Collectivity at the prolate-oblate transition: the 21+ lifetime of 190W

    Şahin, E., Werner, V., Mistry, A. K., Rudigier, M., Nomura, K., Jolie, J., Pietralla, N., Regan, P. H., Ağgez, G., Albers, H. M., Ahmed, U., Aktaş, Ö., Algora, A., Alhomaidhi, S., Appleton, C., Arici, T., Armstrong, M., Banerjee, A., Benito, J. & Benzoni, G. & 69 others, Blazhev, A., Boutachkov, P., Bruce, A. M., Cederwall, B., Chishti, M. M. R., Cortés, M. L., Crespi, F., Das, B., Davinson, T., Dickel, T., Doncel, M., Ertoprak, A., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Gamba, E. R., Gerl, J., Górska, M., Ha, J., Haettner, E., Hall, O., Heggen, H., Hornung, C., Hubbard, N., Jazrawi, S., John, P. R., Jones, C. E., Karayonchev, V., Kazantseva, E., Kern, R., Knafla, L., Kojouharov, I., Koseoglou, P., Kosir, G., Kostyleva, D., Kurz, N., Kuzminchuk, N., Llanos-Expósito, M., Lozeva, R., Mengoni, D., Mertzimekis, T. J., Mikolajczuk, M., Morales, A. I., Mukha, I., Murias, J. R., Nara Singh, B. S., Orrigo, S. E. A., Pellumaj, J., Pelonis, S., Pietri, S., Pigliapoco, S., Podolyák, Z., Polettini, M., Rezynkina, K., Rösch, H. A., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Sexton, L., Söderström, P.-A., Tanaka, Y. K., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Vasileiou, P., Vasiljević, J., Vesic, J., Weick, H., Wiederhold, J., Yaneva, A., Zhang, G., Zhao, J. & Zyriliou, A., 22 Aug 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Physics Letters B. 857, 8 p., 138976.

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  • Direct measurement of three different deformations near the ground state in an atomic nucleus

    Plaza, A. M., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Herzberg, R.-D., Julin, R., Rodríguez, T. R., Briscoe, A. D., Illana, A., Ojala, J., Ruotsalainen, P., Uusikylä, E., Alayed, B., Alharbi, A., Alonso-Sañudo, O., Auranen, K., Bogdanoff, V., Chadderton, J., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fransen, C. & Grahn, T. & 22 others, Greenlees, P. T., Jolie, J., Joukainen, H., Jutila, H., Lakenbrink, C.-D., Leino, M., Louko, J., Luoma, M., McCarter, A., Nara Singh, B. S., Rahkila, P., Raggio, A., Romero, J., Sarén, J., Satrazani, M.-M., Stryjczyk, M., Sullivan, C. M., Tolosa-Delgado, Á., Uusitalo, J., von Spee, F., Warbinek, J. & Zimba, G. L., 3 Dec 2025, In: Communications Physics. 8, 9 p., 8.

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  • The shape of the Tz = +1 nucleus 94Pd and the role of proton-neutron interactions on the structure of its excited states

    Yaneva, A., Jazrawi, S., Mikołajczuk, M., Górska, M., Regan, P. H., Das, B., Albers, H. M., Alhomaidhi, S., Arici, T., Banerjee, A., Benzoni, G., Cederwall, B., Chishti, M. M. R., Dao, D. D., Davinson, T., Gargano, A., Gerl, J., Hall, O., Hubbard, N. & Jolie, J. & 65 others, Kojouharov, I., Mistry, A. K., Nowacki, F., Polettini, M., Rudigier, M., Şahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Armstrong, M., Wollersheim, H. J., Boutachkov, P., Dickel, T., Haettner, E., Heggen, H., Hornung, C., Knöbel, R., Kostyleva, D., Kurz, N., Kuzminchuk, N., Mukha, I., Pietri, S., Plass, W. R., Podolyák, Z., Scheidenberger, C., Tanaka, Y. K., Vesic, J., Weick, H., Ahmed, U., Aktas, Ö., Algora, A., Appleton, C., Benito, J., Blazhev, A., Bracco, A., Bruce, A. M., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Häfner, G., Hucka, K. P., John, P. R., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kern, R., Košir, G., Lozeva, R., Napiralla, P., Nara Singh, B. S., Page, R., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Régis, J.-M., Rösch, H., Ruotsalainen, P., Sanchez-Temble, V., Sexton, L., Shearman, R., Si, M., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Wimmer, K., Witt, W., Woods, P. & Zimba, G., 19 Jun 2024, In: Physics Letters B. 85513, 138805.

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  • 2023

    An innovative Superconducting Recoil Separator for HIE-ISOLDE

    Martel, I., Acosta, L., Aguado, J. L., Assie, M., Al-Aqeel, M. A. M., Ballarino, A., Barna, D., Berjillos, R., Bonora, M., Bontoiu, C., Borge, M. J. G., Briz, J. A., Bustinduy, I., Bottura, L., Catalina-Medina, L., Catford, W., Cederkäll, J., Davinson, T., de Angelis, G. & Devred, A. & 52 others, Díaz-Martín, C., Ekelöf, T., Felice, H., Fynbo, H., Foussat, A. P., Florin, R., Freeman, S. J., Gaffney, L., García-Ramos, C., Gentini, L., Gonzalez-Cordero, C. A., Guazzoni, C., Haziot, A., Heinz, A., Jimenez, J. M., Johnston, K., Jonson, B., Kirby, G., Kirby, O., Kurtukian-Nieto, T., Labiche, M., Liebsch, M., Losasso, M., Laird, A., Muñoz, J. L., Nara Singh, B. S., Neyens, G., Napiorkowski, P. J., O'Donnell, D., Page, R. D., Perini, D., Resta-López, J., Riddone, G., Rodriguez, J. A., Rodin, V., Russenschuck, S., Sharma, V. R., Salguero-Andújar, A. M., Sánchez-Segovia, J., Riisager, K., Sánchez-Benítez, A. M., Shepherd, B., Siesling, E., Smallcombe, J., Stanoiu, M., Tengblad, O., Thermeau, J. P., Tommasini, D., Uusitalo, J., Varnasseri, S., Welsch, C. P. & Willering, G., 31 Aug 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. 541, p. 176-179 4 p.

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  • Decay spectroscopy of 171,172Os and 171,172,174Ir

    Zhang, W., Cederwall, B., Doncel, M., Aktas, Ö., Ertoprak, A., Qi, C., Grahn, T., Nara Singh, B. S., Cullen, D. M., Hodge, D., Giles, M., Stolze, S., Auranen, K., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Fang, Y. D., Greenlees, P. T. & Hilton, J. & 23 others, Ideguchi, E., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Kumar Raju, M., Leino, M., Li, H., Liu, H., Matta, S., Subramaniam, P., Modamio, V., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Petrache, C. M., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Sorri, J., Taylor, M. J., Uusitalo, J. & Valiente-Dobón, J. J., 19 Jan 2023, In: Physical Review C. 107, 1, 11 p., 014308.

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  • Fast-timing measurements in 96Pd: improved accuracy for the lifetime of the 4+1 state

    Yaneva, A., Jazrawi, S., Das, B., Mikolajczuk, M., Górska, M., Regan, P. H., Cederwall, B., Jolie, J., Benzoni, G., Albers, H. M., Alhomaidhi, S., Arici, T., Banerjee, A., Chishti, M. M. R., Davinson, T., Gerl, J., Hall, O., Hubbard, N., Kojouharov, I. & Mistry, A. K. & 61 others, Polettini, M., Rudigier, M., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Sharma, A., Wollersheim, H. J., Boutachkov, P., Dickel, T., Haettner, E., Heggen, H., Hornung, C., Knöbel, R., Kostyleva, D., Kurz, N., Kuzminchuk, N., Mukha, I., Pietri, S., Plass, W. R., Podolyak, Z., Scheidenberger, C., Tanaka, Y. K., Vesic, J., Weick, H., Ahmed, U., Aktas, Ö., Algora, A., Appleton, C., Benito, J., Blazhev, A., Bracco, A., Bruce, A., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Häfner, G., Hucka, K. P., John, P. R., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kern, R., Kosir, G., Lozeva, R., Napiralla, P., Nara Singh, B. S., Page, R. D., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Regis, J.-M., Rösch, H., Ruotsalainen, P., Sanchez-Temble, V., Sexton, L., Shearman, R., Si, M., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Wimmer, K., Witt, W., Woods, P. & Zimba, G., 22 Mar 2023, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement. 16, 4, 6 p., 4-A30.

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  • In-beam 𝛾-ray spectroscopy of 94Ag

    Pereira-López, X., Bentley, M. A., Wadsworth, R., Ruotsalainen, P., Lenzi, S. M., Forsberg, U., Auranen, K., Blazhev, A., Cederwall, B., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P., Illana, A., Jenkins, D. G., Julin, R., Jutila, H., Juutinen, S., Liu, X., Llewelyn, R., Luoma, M. & Moschner, K. & 18 others, Muller-Gatermann, C., Nara Singh, B. S., Nowacki, F., Ojala, J., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Rahkila, P., Romero, J., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Tann, H., Uthayakumaar, S., Uusitalo, J., Vega-Romero, J. G., Vilhena, J. M., Yajzey, R., Zhang, W. & Zimba, G., 15 Mar 2023, In: The European Physical Journal A. 59, 8 p., 44.

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  • Lifetime measurement of the yrast 2+ state in 118Te

    Ahlgren Cederlöf, E., Bäck, T., Nyberg, J., Qi, C., Ataç, A., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Doncel, M., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Hilton, J., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Konki, J., Li, H., Matta, S., Modamio, V. & Nara Singh, B. S. & 12 others, Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Stolze, S., Subramaniam, P., Uusitalo, J. & Valiente-Dobón, J. J., 20 Dec 2023, In: The European Physical Journal A. 59, 7 p., 300.

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  • Photo-response of the Z nucleus 24Mg

    Deary, J., Scheck, M., Schwengner, R., O'Donnell, D., Bemmerer, D., Beyer, R., Hensell, T., Junghans, A. R., Kögler, T., Müller, S. E., Römer, K., Schmidt, K., Turkat, S., Urlaß, S., Wagner, A., Bowry, M., Adsley, P., Agar, O., Chapman, R. & Crespi, F. C. L. & 23 others, Doherty, D. T., Friman-Gayer, U., Herzberg, R.-D., Isaak, J., Janssens, R. V. F., Kröll, T., Löher, B., Nara Singh, B. S., von Neumann-Cosel, P., Pellegri, L., Peters, E. E., Rainovski, G., Savran, D., Smith, J. F., Spieker, M., Thirolf, P. G., Triambak, S., Tornow, W., Venhart, M., Wiedeking, M., Wieland, O., Yates, S. W. & Zilges, A., 7 Sept 2023, In: The European Physical Journal A. 59, 10 p., 198.

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  • Response of the FAst TIMing Array (FATIMA) for DESPEC at FAIR Phase-0

    Chishti, M. M. R., Jazrawi, S., Shearman, R., Regan, P. H., Podolyák, Z., Collins, S. M., Górska, M., Cederwall, B., Yaneva, A., Zhang, G. X., Cederkall, J., Goasduff, A., Albers, H. M., Alhomaidhi, S., Banerjee, A., Bruce, A. M., Benzoni, G., Das, B., Davinson, T. & Fraile, L. M. & 18 others, Gerl, J., Häfner, G., Jolie, J., Hubbard, N., John, P. R., Lozeva, R., Mistry, A. K., Nara Singh, B. S., Mikolajczuk, M., Polettini, M., Pietralla, N., Regis, J. M., Rudigier, M., Sahin, E., Sharma, A., Si, M., Vesic, J. & Werner, V., 30 Nov 2023, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1056, 7 p., 168597.

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  • 2022

    Commissioning the FAst TIMing array (FATIMA) at FAIR Phase-0: half-lives of excited states in the N=50 isotones 96Pd and 94Ru

    Jazrawi, S., Yaneva, A., Polettini, M., Das, B., Regan, P. H., Górska, M., Cederwall, B., Jolie, J., Albers, H. M., Chishti, M. M. R., Banerjee, A., Hubbard, N., Mistry, A. K., Rudigier, M., Benzoni, G., Gerl, J., Bruce, A. M., Podolyák, Z., Nara Singh, B. S. & Zhang, G. X. & 27 others, Alhomaidhi, S., Appleton, C., Arici, T., Blazhev, A., Davinson, T., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Häfner, G., Hall, O., John, P. R., Karayonchev, V., Koujoharov, I., Kurz, N., Mikolajczuk, M., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Regis, J. M., Sahin, E., Sexton, L., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Sharma, A., Vesic, J., Weick, H., Werner, V., Lozeva, R. & Si, M., 30 Nov 2022, In: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 200, 6 p., 110234.

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  • Coulomb excitation of 222Rn

    Spagnoletti, P., Butler, P. A., Gaffney, L. P., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., Chupp, T., de Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Garrett, P. E., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D. T., Keatings, J. M., Kelly, N. A., Komorowska, M., Konki, J. & Kröll, T. & 24 others, Lozano, M., Nara Singh, B. S., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pedersen, L. G., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Scheck, M., Seidlitz, M., Shneidman, T. M., Siebeck, B., Sinclair, J., Smith, J. F., Stryjczyk, M., Van Duppen, P., Viñals, S., Virtanen, V., Wrzosek-Lipska, K., Warr, N. & Zielińska, M., 22 Feb 2022, In: Physical Review C. 105, 2, 10 p., 024323.

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  • Decay studies in the A ∼ 225 Po-Fr region from the DESPEC campaign at GSI in 2021

    Polettini, M., Pellumaj, J., Benzoni, G., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Zhang, G., Mengoni, D., Vidal, R. M. P., Genna, D., Bracco, A., Ahmed, G. A. U., Aktas, Ö., Al Aqueel, M., Alayed, B., Albers, H. M., Algora, A., Alhomaidhi, S., Appleton, C., Arici, T., Armstrong, M. & Arnswald, K. & 116 others, Balogh, M., Banerjee, A., Benito Garcia, J., Blazhev, A., Bottoni, S., Boutachkov, P., Bruce, A., Bruno, C., Camera, F., Cederwall, B., Chishti, M. M. R., Cortés, M. L., Cox, D. M., Crespi, F. C. L., Das, B., Davinson, T., De Angelis, G., Dickel, T., Doncel, M., Donthi, R., Ertoprak, A., Escudeiro, R., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Gaffney, L., Gamba, E. R., Gerl, J., Górska, M., Gottardo, A., Ha, J., Haettner, E., Hall, O., Heggen, H., Hrabar, Y., Hubbard, N., Jazrawi, S., John, P. R., Jolie, J., Jones, C., Joss, D., Judson, D., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kazantseva, E., Kern, R., Knafla, L., Kojouharov, I., Korgul, A., Korten, W., Koseoglou, P., Kosir, G., Kostyleva, D., Kurtukian-Nieto, T., Kurz, N., Kuzminchuk, N., Labiche, M., Lenzi, S., Leoni, S., Llanos-Expósito, M., Lozeva, R., Mertzimekis, T. J., Mikolajczuk, M., Million, B., Mistry, A. K., Morales, A., Mukha, I., Murias, J. R., Napoli, D., Nara Singh, B. S., O'Donnell, D., Orrigo, S. E. A., Page, R., Pelonis, S., Petrovic, J., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Pigliapoco, S., Podolyak, Z., Porzio, C., Quintana Arnes, B., Recchia, F., Regan, P. H., Régis, J.-M., Reiter, P., Rezynkina, K., Roy, P., Rudigier, M., Ruotsalainen, P., Sahin, E., Sarmiento, L. G., Satrazani, M.-M., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Sexton, L., Sharma, A., Smallcombe, J., Söderström, P.-A., Sood, A., Vasileiou, P., Vesic, J., Vilhena, J., Waring, L., Weick, H., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Wieland, O., Wimmer, K., Wollersheim, H. J., Woods, P., Yaneva, A., Zanon, I., Zhao, J., Zidarova, R., Ziliani, S., Zimba, G. & Zyriliou, A., 31 Oct 2022, In: Il Nuovo Cimento C -Colloquia on Physics. 45, 5, 4 p., 125.

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  • Nature of seniority symmetry breaking in the semimagic nucleus 94Ru

    Das, B., Cederwall, B., Qi, C., Górska, M., Regan, P. H., Aktas, Ö., Albers, H. M., Banerjee, A., Chishti, M. M. R., Gerl, J., Hubbard, N., Jazrawi, S., Jolie, J., Mistry, A. K., Polettini, M., Yaneva, A., Alhomaidhi, S., Zhao, J., Arici, T. & Bagchi, S. & 67 others, Benzoni, G., Boutachkov, P., Davinson, T., Dickel, T., Haettner, E., Hall, O., Hornung, C., Hucka, J. P., John, P. R., Kojouharov, I., Knöbel, R., Kostyleva, D., Kuzminchuk, N., Mukha, I., Plass, W. R., Singh, B. S. N., Vasiljević, J., Pietri, S., Podolyak, Z., Rudigier, M., Rösch, H., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Schirru, F., Sharma, A., Shearman, R., Tanaka, Y., Vesić, J., Weick, H., Wollersheim, H. J., Ahmed, U., Algora, A., Appleton, C., Benito, J., Blazhev, A., Bracco, A., Bruce, A. M., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Häfner, G., Heggen, H., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kern, R., Korgu, A., Kosir, G., Kurz, N., Lozeva, R., Mikolajczuk, M., Napiralla, P., Page, R., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Régis, J.-M., Ruotsalainen, P., Sexton, L., Sanchez-Temble, V., Si, M., Vilhena, J., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Witt, W., Woods, P. J. & Zimba, G., 25 Mar 2022, In: Physical Review C. 105, 3, 6 p., L031304.

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  • Single-particle states and parity doublets in odd-Z 221Ac and 225Pa from α-decay spectroscopy

    Parr, E., Smith, J. F., Greenlees, P. T., Butler, P. A., Auranen, K., Chapman, R., Cox, D. M., Cullen, D. M., Gaffney, L. P., Grahn, T., Gregor, E. T., Grocutt, L., Herzáň, A., Herzberg, R.-D., Hodge, D., Jakobsson, U., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J. M. & Konki, J. & 25 others, Leino, M., McKee, P. P., McPeake, C., Mengoni, D., Mistry, A. K., Singh, B. S. N., O'Neill, G. G., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Peura, P., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scheck, M., Scholey, C., Siciliano, M., Smolen, M., Sorri, J., Spagnoletti, P., Spohr, K. M., Stolze, S., Taylor, M. J. & Uusitalo, J., 2 Mar 2022, In: Physical Review C. 105, 3, 034303.

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  • The DESPEC setup for GSI and FAIR

    Mistry, A. K., Albers, H. M., Arıcı, T., Banerjee, A., Benzoni, G., Cederwall, B., Gerl, J., Górska, M., Hall, O., Hubbard, N., Kojouharov, I., Jolie, J., Martinez, T., Podolyák, Z., Regan, P. H., Tain, J. L., Tarifeno-Saldivia, A., Schaffner, H., Werner, V. & Ağgez, G. & 148 others, Agramunt, J., Ahmed, U., Aktas, O., Alcayne, V., Algora, A., Alhomaidhi, S., Amjad, F., Appleton, C., Armstrong, M., Balogh, M., Banerjee, K., Bednarczyk, P., Benito, J., Bhattacharya, C., Black, P., Blazhev, A., Bottoni, S., Boutachkov, P., Bracco, A., Bruce, A. M., Brunet, M., Bruno, C. G., Burrows, I., Calvino, F., Canavan, R. L., Cano-Ott, D., Chishti, M. M. R., Coleman-Smith, P., Cortés, M. L., Cortes, G., Crespi, F., Das, B., Davinson, T., De Blas, A., Dickel, T., Doncel, M., Ertoprak, A., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fornal, B., Fraile, L. M., Galtarossa, F., Gottardo, A., Guadilla, V., Ha, J., Haettner, E., Häfner, G., Heggen, H., Herrmann, P., Hornung, C., Jazrawi, S., John, P. R., Jokinen, A., Jones, C. E., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kazantseva, E., Kern, R., Knafla, L., Knöbel, R., Koseoglou, P., Kosir, G., Kostyleva, D., Kurz, N., Kuzminchuk, N., Labiche, M., Lawson, J., Lazarus, I., Lenzi, S. M., Leoni, S., Llanos-Expósito, M., Lozeva, R., Maj, A., Meena, J. K., Mendoza, E., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Mertzimekis, T. J., Mikolajczuk, M., Million, B., Mont-Geli, N., Morales, A. I., Morral, P., Mukha, I., Murias, J. R., Nacher, E., Napiralla, P., Napoli, D. R., Nara-Singh, B. S., O’Donnell, D., Orrigo, S. E. A., Page, R. D., Palit, R., Pallas, M., Pellumaj, J., Pelonis, S., Pentilla, H., Pérez de Rada, A., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Petrache, C. M., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Pigliapoco, S., Plaza, J., Polettini, M., Porzio, C., Pucknell, V. F. E., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Rezynkina, K., Rinta-Antila, S., Rocco, E., Rösch, H. A., Roy, P., Rubio, B., Rudigier, M., Ruotsalainen, P., Saha, S., Şahin, E., Scheidenberger, C., Seddon, D. A., Sexton, L., Sharma, A., Si, M., Simpson, J., Smith, A., Smith, R., Söderström, P. A., Sood, A., Soylu, A., Tanaka, Y. K., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Vasileiou, P., Vasiljevic, J., Vesic, J., Villamarin, D., Weick, H., Wiebusch, M., Wiederhold, J., Wieland, O., Wollersheim, H. J., Woods, P. J., Yaneva, A., Zanon, I., Zhang, G., Zhao, J., Zidarova, R., Zimba, G. & Zyriliou, A., 11 Jun 2022, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 1033, 166662.

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  • 2021

    DESPEC Phase-0 campaign at GSI

    Polettini, M., Jazrawi, S., Chishti, M. M. R., Yaneva, A., Das, B., Banerjee, A., Hubbard, N., Mistry, A. K., Albers, H. M., Shearman, R., Górska, M., Gerl, J., Regan, P. H., Cederwall, B., Jolie, J., Alhomaidhi, S., Arici, T., Benzoni, G., Boutachkov, P. & Davinson, T. & 53 others, Dickel, T., Haettner, E., Hall, O., Heggen, H., John, P. R., Kojouharov, I., Kurz, N., Nara Singh, B. S., Pietri, S., Podolyak, Z., Rudigier, M., Sahin, E., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Sharma, A., Vesic, J., Weick, H., Wollerscheim, H. J., Ahmed, U., Aktas, Ö., Algora, A., Appleton, C., Benito, J., Blazhev, A., Bracco, A., Bruce, A., Brunet, M., Canavan, R., Esmaylzadeh, A., Fraile, L. M., Grawe, H., Häfner, G., Kahl, D., Karayonchev, V., Kern, R., Kosir, G., Lozeva, R., Napiralla, P., Page, R., Petrache, C. M., Petrovic, J., Pietralla, N., Régis, J.-M., Ruotsalainen, P., Sexton, L., Sanchez-Temble, V., Si, M., Vilhena, J., Werner, V., Wiederhold, J., Witt, W., Woods, P. & Zimba, G., 2021, In: Il Nuovo Cimento C -Colloquia on Physics. 2021, 2-3, 4 p., 67.

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  • Erratum: Probing isospin symmetry in the (50Fe,50Mn,50Cr) isobaric triplet via electromagnetic transition rates [Phys. Rev. C 99, 044317 (2019)]

    Giles, M. M., Nara Singh, B. S., Barber, L., Cullen, D. M., Mallaburn, M. J., Beckers, M., Blazhev, A., Braunroth, T., Dewald, A., Fransen, C., Goldkuhle, A., Jolie, J., Mammes, F., Müller-Gatermann, C., Wölk, D., Zell, K. O., Lenzi, S. M. & Poves, A., 26 Aug 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 1 p., 029901.

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  • Identification of excited states in 10752Te55

    Zhang, W., Cederwall, B., Qi, C., Ertoprak, A., Aktas, Ö., Liu, X., Andgren, K., Auranen, K., Bäck, T., Barber, L., Beeton, G., Cullen, D. M., Darby, I. G., Dimmock, M. R., Eeckhaudt, S., Ganioǧlu, E., Górska, M., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T. & Hadinia, B. & 34 others, Ideguchi, E., Illana, A., Jones, P. M., Joss, D. T., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J. M., Khaplanov, A., Kulali, F., Leino, M., Luoma, M., Lv, B., Nara Singh, B. S., Nelson, L., Niikura, M., Nyman, M., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pakarinen, J., Paul, E. S., Petrache, C., Petri, M., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Smith, J. F., Sorri, J., Tann, H., Zimba, G., Uusitalo, J., Wadsworth, R. & Wyss, R., 8 Dec 2021, In: Physical Review C. 104, 6, 8 p., 064305.

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  • Lifetime measurements of excited states in 169,171,173 Os: persistence of anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional rare earth nuclei in the presence of a decoupled i13/2 valence neutron

    Zhang, W., Cederwall, B., Doncel, M., Aktas, Ö., Ertoprak, A., Liotta, R., Qi, C., Grahn, T., Nara Singh, B. S., Cullen, D. M., Hodge, D., Giles, M., Stolze, S., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Fang, Y. D., Greenlees, P. T. & Hilton, J. & 22 others, Ideguchi, E., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Kumar Raju, M., Li, H., Liu, H., Matta, S., Subramaniam, P., Modiamo, V., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Petrache, C. M., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scholey, C., Sorri, J., Taylor, M. J., Uusitalo, J. & Valiente-Dobón, J. J., 10 Sept 2021, In: Physics Letters B. 820, 9 p., 136527.

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  • Lifetime measurements of yrast states in 178Pt using the charge plunger method with a recoil separator

    Heery, J., Barber, L., Vilhena, J., Nara Singh, B. S., Herzberg, R.-D., Cullen, D. M., Müller-Gatermann, C., Beeton, G., Bowry, M., Dewald, A., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Illana, A., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J. M., Leino, M., Luoma, M., O'Donnell, D. & Ojala, J. & 12 others, Pakarinen, J., Rahkila, P., Ruotslainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Sinclair, J., Smith, J. F., Sorri, J., Spagnoletti, P., Tann, H., Uusitalo, J. & Zimba, G., 16 Apr 2021, In: The European Physical Journal A. 57, 11 p., 132.

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  • 2020

    A charge plunger device to measure the lifetimes of excited nuclear states where transitions are dominated by internal conversion

    Barber, L., Heery, J., Cullen, D. M., Nara Singh, B. S., Herzberg, R.-D., Müller-Gatermann, C., Beeton, G., Bowry, M., Dewald, A., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Illana, A., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J. M., Luoma, M., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Pakarinen, J. & Rahkila, P. & 11 others, Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Sinclair, J., Smith, J. F., Sorri, J., Spagnoletti, P., Tann, H., Uusitalo, J., Vilhena, J. & Zimba, G., 1 Nov 2020, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 979, 8 p., 164454.

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  • Addendum: The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei

    Butler, P. A., Gaffney, L. P., Spagnoletti, P., Konki, J., Scheck, M., Smith, J. F., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., Chupp, T., de Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Garrett, P. E., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D. T., Keatings, J. M. & Kelly, N. A. & 24 others, Komorowska, M., Kröll, T., Lozano, M., Singh, B. S. N., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pedersen, L. G., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Shneidman, T. M., Siebeck, B., Seidlitz, M., Sinclair, J., Stryjczyk, M., Van Duppen, P., Vinals, S., Virtanen, V., Warr, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K. & Zielinska, M., 13 Jul 2020, In: Nature Communications. 11, 1, 1 p., 3560.

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  • Benchmarking the PreSPEC@GSI Experiment for Coulex-multipolarimetry on the π(p3/2) → π(p1/2) spin-flip transition in 85Br

    Napiralla, P., Lettmann, M., Stahl, C., Rainovski, G., Pietralla, N., Afara, S., Ameil, F., Arici, T., Aydin, S., Barrientos, D., Bednarczyk, P., Bentley, M. A., Benzoni, G., Birkenbach, B., Blazhev, A., Boston, A. J., Boutachkov, P., Bracco, A., Bruyneel, B. & Clément, E. & 56 others, Cortes, M. L., Crespi, F. C. L., Cullen, D. M., Curien, D., Desesquelles, P., Didierjean, F., Domingo-Pardo, C., Duchene, G., Eberth, J., Egger, H., Fahlander, C., Gerl, J., Gladnishki, K. A., Golubev, P., Gonzalez, V., Gorska, M., Gottardo, A., Grassi, L., Habermann, T., Harkness-Brennan, L. J., Hess, H., Jenkins, D. G., John, P. R., Jolie, J., Judson, D. S., Kojouharov, I., Korten, W., Labiche, M., Lalović, N., Lizarazo, C., Louchart-Henning, C., Maj, A., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Merchan, E., Million, B., Möller, O., Moller, T., Moschner, K., Modiamo, V., Napoli, D., Nara Singh, B. S., Podolyak, Z., Pietri, S., Ralet, D., Reese, M., Reiter, P., Rudolph, D., Sanchis, E., Sarmiento, L. G., Schaffner, H., Simpson, J., Singh, P. P., Valiente-Dobón, J. J., Werner, V. & Wieland, O., 25 May 2020, In: European Physical Journal A. 56, 10 p., 147.

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  • Corrigendum to ”Fission fragment atomic number measurements using bragg detectors” [Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 957 (2020) 163397]

    Sosnin, N. V., Smith, A. G., Wright, T., Köster, U., Blanc, A., Nara Singh, B. S., Kennedy-Reid, R. L. & Davies, P. J., 21 Apr 2020, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 960, 2 p., 163596.

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  • Direct measurement of the intrinsic electric dipole moment in pear-shaped thorium-228

    Chishti, M. M. R., O’Donnell, D., Battaglia, G., Bowry, M., Jaroszynski, D. A., Singh, B. S. N., Scheck, M., Spagnoletti, P. & Smith, J. F., 18 May 2020, In: Nature Physics. 16, p. 853-856 4 p., 020-0899-4.

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  • Evidence for Octupole Collectivity in 172Pt

    Ertoprak, A., Cederwall, B., Qi, C., Aktaş, Ö., Doncel, M., Hadinia, B., Liotta, R., Sandzelius, M., Scholey, C., Andgren, K., Back, T., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Cullen, D. M., Fang, Y. D., Ganioğlu, E., Giles, M. & Gomez Hornillos, M. B. & 39 others, Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Hilton, J., Hodge, D., Ideguchi, E., Jakobsson, U., Johnson, A., Jones, P. M., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Ketelhut, S., Khaplanov, A., Kumar Raju, M., Leino, M., Li, H., Liu, H., Matta, S., Modiamo, V., Nara Singh, B. S., Niikura, M., Nyman, M., Ozgur, I., Page, R. D., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Paul, E. S., Petrache, C. M., Peura, P., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sarén, J., Sorri, J., Stolze, S., Subramaniam, P., Taylor, M. J., Uusitalo, J., Valiente-Dobón, J. J. & Wyss, R., 20 Feb 2020, (E-pub ahead of print) In: The European Physical Journal A. 56, 9 p., 65.

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  • Evolution of octupole deformation in radium nuclei from Coulomb excitation of radioactive 222Ra and 228Ra beams

    Butler, P. A., Gaffney, L. P., Spagnoletti, P., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., de Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Garrett, P. E., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D. T., Keatings, J. M., Kelly, N. A., Komorowska, M., Konki, J., Kröll, T. & Lozano, M. & 23 others, Nara Singh, B. S., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pedersen, L. G., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Scheck, M., Seidlitz, M., Shneidman, T. M., Siebeck, B., Sinclair, J., Smith, J. F., Stryjczyk, M., Van Duppen, P., Vinals, S., Virtanen, V., Warr, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K. & Zielińska, M., 31 Jan 2020, In: Physical Review Letters. 124, 4, 6 p., 042503.

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  • Experimental study of lifetimes of excited states in the K-pi=0(-) octupole band and gamma-vibrational band in Th-228

    Chishti, M. M. R., O'Donnell, D., Battaglia, G., Bowry, M., Jaroszynski, D. A., Nara Singh, B. S., Scheck, M., Spagnoletti, P. & Smith, J. F., 29 Jul 2020, In: Journal of Physics Conference Series. 1643, 012122.

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  • Experimental study of lifetimes of excited states in the Kπ= 0-octupole band and γ-vibrational band in 228Th

    Chishti, M. M. R., O'Donnell, D., Battaglia, G., Bowry, M., Jaroszynski, D. A., Nara Singh, B. S., Scheck, M., Spagnoletti, P. & Smith, J. F., 23 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 1643, 1, 6 p., 012122.

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  • Fission fragment atomic number measurements using Bragg detectors

    Sosnin, N. V., Smith, A. G., Wright, T., Köster, U., Blanc, A., Nara Singh, B. S., Kennedy-Reid, R. L. & Davies, P. J., 21 Mar 2020, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 957, 7 p., 163397.

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  • Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich 53Ti: benchmarking effective shell-model interactions

    Goldkuhle, A., Blazhev, A., Fransen, C., Dewald, A., Beckers, M., Birkenbach, B., Braunroth, T., Clément, E., Dudouet, J., Eberth, J., Hess, H., Jacquot, B., Jolie, J., Kim, Y.-H., Lemasson, A., Lenzi, S. M., Li, H. J., Litzinger, J., Michelagnoli, C. & Müller-Gatermann, C. & 7 others, Nara Singh, B. S., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Ralet, D., Reiter, P., Vogt, A., Warr, N. & Zell, K. O., 30 Nov 2020, In: Physical Review C. 102, 5, 054334.

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  • Performing the differential decay curve method on γ-ray transitions with unresolved Doppler-shifted components

    Barber, L., Cullen, D. M., Giles, M. M., Nara Singh, B. S., Mallaburn, M. J., Beckers, M., Blazhev, A., Braunroth, T., Dewald, A., Fransen, C., Goldkuhle, A., Jolie, J., Mammes, F., Muller-Gatermann, C., Wolk, D. & Zell, K. O., 11 Jan 2020, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 950, 6 p., 162965.

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  • Publisher Correction: The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei (Nature Communications, (2019), 10, 1, (2473), 10.1038/s41467-019-10494-5)

    Butler, P. A., Gaffney, L. P., Spagnoletti, P., Konki, J., Scheck, M., Smith, J. F., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., Chupp, T., de Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Garrett, P. E., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D. T., Keatings, J. M. & Kelly, N. A. & 24 others, Komorowska, M., Kröll, T., Lozano, M., Singh, B. S. N., O’Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pedersen, L. G., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Shneidman, T. M., Siebeck, B., Seidlitz, M., Sinclair, J., Stryjczyk, M., Van Duppen, P., Vinals, S., Virtanen, V., Warr, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K. & Zielinska, M., 1 Dec 2020, In: Nature Communications. 11, 1, p. 1-1 1 p., 5185.

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  • 2019

    A time-of-flight correction procedure for fast-timing data of recoils with varying implantation positions at a spectrometer focal plane

    Mallaburn, M. J., Nara Singh, B. S., Cullen, D. M., Hodge, D., Taylor, M. J., Giles, M. M., Barber, L., Niţă, C. R., Mihai, R. E., Mihai, C., Marginean, R., Marginean, N., Nobs, C. R., Gamba, E. R., Bruce, A. M., Scholey, C., Rahkila, P., Greenlees, P. T., Badran, H. & Grahn, T. & 21 others, Neuvonen, O., Auranen, K., Bisso, F., Cox, D. M., Herzáň, A., Julin, R., Konki, J., Lightfoot, A. K., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Sandzelius, M., Saren, J., Sorri, J., Stolze, S., Uusitalo, J., Regan, P. H., Podolyák, Z., Lalkovski, S., Smith, J. F. & Smolen, M., 21 Jul 2019, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 933, p. 18-29 12 p.

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  • Coulomb excitation of pear-shaped nuclei

    Butler, P., Gaffney, L., Spagnoletti, P., Konki, J., Scheck, M., Smith, J., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., Chupp, T., de Angelis, G., Witte, H. D., Garrett, P., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D., Keatings, J. & Kelly, N. & 24 others, Komorowska, M., Kröll, T., Lozano, M., Singh, B. N., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R., Pedersen, L., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Shneidman, T., Siebeck, B., Seidlitz, M., Sinclair, J., Stryjczyk, M., Duppen, P. V., Vinals, S., Virtanen, V., Warr, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K. & Zielinska, M., 4 Dec 2019, In: EPJ Web of Conferences. 223, 5 p., 01007.

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  • Isospin dependence of electromagnetic transition strengths among an isobaric triplet

    Boso, A., Milne, S. A., Bentley, M. A., Recchia, F., Lenzi, S. M., Rudolph, D., Labiche, M., Pereira-Lopez, X., Afara, S., Ameil, F., Arici, T., Aydin, S., Axiotis, M., Barrientos, D., Benzoni, G., Birkenbach, B., Boston, A. J., Boston, H. C., Boutachkov, P. & Bracco, A. & 60 others, Bruce, A. M., Bruyneel, B., Cederwall, B., Clement, E., Cortes, M. L., Cullen, D. M., Désesquelles, P., Dombràdi, Z., Domingo-Pardo, C., Eberth, J., Fahlander, C., Gelain, M., González, V., John, P. R., Gerl, J., Golubev, P., Górska, M., Gottardo, A., Grahn, T., Grassi, L., Habermann, T., Harkness-Brennan, L. J., Henry, T. W., Hess, H., Kojouharov, I., Korten, W., Lalović, N., Lettmann, M., Lizarazo, C., Louchart-Henning, C., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Merchan, E., Michelagnoli, C., Million, B., Modamio, V., Moeller, T., Napoli, D. R., Nyberg, J., Nara Singh, B. S., Pai, H., Pietralla, N., Pietri, S., Podolyak, Z., Perez Vidal, R. M., Pullia, A., Ralet, D., Rainovski, G., Reese, M., Reiter, P., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Sarmiento, L. G., Schaffner, H., Scruton, L. M., Singh, P. P., Stahl, C., Uthayakumaar, S., Valiente-Dobón, J. J. & Wieland, O., 10 Oct 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 797, 6 p., 134835.

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  • Lifetime measurements in 52,54Ti to study shell evolution toward N=32

    Goldkuhle, A., Fransen, C., Blazhev, A., Beckers, M., Birkenbach, B., Braunroth, T., Clément, E., Dewald, A., Dudouet, J., Eberth, J., Hess, H., Jacquot, B., Jolie, J., Kim, Y.-H., Lemasson, A., Lenzi, S. M., Li, H. J., Litzinger, J., Michelagnoli, C. & Muller-Gatermann, C. & 69 others, Singh, B. S. N., Perez-Vidal, R. M., Ralet, D., Reiter, P., Vogt, A., Warr, N., Zell, K. O., Atac, A., Barrientos, D., Barthe-Dejean, C., Benzoni, G., Boston, A. J., Boston, H. C., Bourgault, P., Burrows, I., Cacitti, J., Cederwall, B., Ciemala, M., Cullen, D. M., De France, G., Domingo-Pardo, C., Foucher, J.-L., Fremont, G., Gadea, A., Gangnant, P., González, V., Goupil, J., Henrich, C., Houamer, C., Jean, M., Judson, D. S., Korichi, A., Korten, W., Labiche, M., Lefevre, A., Legeard, L., Legruel, F., Leoni, S., Ljungvall, J., Maj, A., Maugeais, C., Menager, L., Menard, N., Menegazzo, R., Mengoni, D., Million, B., Munoz, H., Napoli, D. R., Navin, A., Nyberg, J., Ozille, M., Podolyak, Z., Pullia, A., Raine, B., Recchia, F., Ropert, J., Saillant, F., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Schmitt, C., Simpson, J., Spitaels, C., Stezowski, O., Theisen, C., Toulemonde, M., Tripon, M., Valiente-Dobón, J.-J., Voltolini, G. & Zielińska, M., 18 Nov 2019, In: Physical Review C. 100, 5, 12 p., 054317.

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  • Lifetime measurements of excited states in 163W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei

    Lewis, M. C., Joss, D. T., Saygi, B., Page, R. D., Cullen, D. M., Barber, L., Giles, M. M., Simpson, J., Al-Aqeel, M. A. M., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Briscoe, A. D., Calverley, T., Dewald, A., Doncel, M., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Henrich, C., Herzáň, A. & Herzberg, R.-D. & 23 others, Higgins, E., Hilton, J., Ilieva, S., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J., Kröll, T., Labiche, M., Mashtakov, K., Nara Singh, B. S., Parr, E., Partanen, J., Paul, E. S., Rahkila, P., Sandzelius, M., Saren, J., Scholey, C., Siciliano, M., Spagnoletti, P., Stolze, S., Szwec, S. V., Taylor, M. J. & Uusitalo, J., 10 Nov 2019, In: Physics Letters B. 798, 5 p., 134998.

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  • Probing isospin symmetry in the (50Fe, 50Mn, 50Cr) isobaric triplet via electromagnetic transition rates

    Giles, M. M., Nara Singh, B. S., Barber, L., Cullen, D. M., Mallaburn, M. J., Beckers, M., Blazhev, A., Braunroth, T., Dewald, A., Fransen, C., Goldkuhle, A., Jolie, J., Mammes, F., Müller-Gatermann, C., Wolk, D., Zell, K. O., Lenzi, S. M. & Poves, A., 26 Apr 2019, In: Physical Review C. 99, 4, 8 p., 044317.

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  • The observation of vibrating pear-shapes in radon nuclei

    Butler, P. A., Gaffney, L. P., Spagnoletti, P., Konki, J., Scheck, M., Smith, J. F., Abrahams, K., Bowry, M., Cederkäll, J., Chupp, T., de Angelis, G., De Witte, H., Garrett, P. E., Goldkuhle, A., Henrich, C., Illana, A., Johnston, K., Joss, D. T., Keatings, J. M. & Kelly, N. A. & 24 others, Komorowska, M., Kröll, T., Lozano, M., Nara Singh, B. S., O'Donnell, D., Ojala, J., Page, R. D., Pedersen, L. G., Raison, C., Reiter, P., Rodriguez, J. A., Rosiak, D., Rothe, S., Shneidman, T. M., Siebeck, B., Seidlitz, M., Sinclair, J., Stryjczyk, M., Van Duppen, P., Vinals, S., Virtanen, V., Warr, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K. & Zielinska, M., 6 Jun 2019, In: Nature Communications. 10, 2473.

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  • TPEN: a triple-foil differential plunger for lifetime measurements of excited states in exotic nuclei

    Giles, M. M., Cullen, D. M., Barber, L., Nara Singh, B. S., Taylor, M. J., Smith, A. J., McFarlane, A., Read, C., Grahn, T., Badran, H., Greenlees, P. T., Julin, R., Pakarinen, J., Partanen, J., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Saren, J., Sorri, J. & Szwec, S. V. & 5 others, Uusitalo, J., Heery, J., Parr, E., Papadakis, P. & Herzberg, R. D., 11 Apr 2019, In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 923, p. 139-146 8 p.

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  • α-decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones 218Ra and 220Th: mitigation of α-particle energy summing with implanted nuclei

    Parr, E., Smith, J. F., Greenlees, P. T., Auranen, K., Butler, P. A., Chapman, R., Cox, D. M., Cullen, D. M., Gaffney, L. P., Grahn, T., Gregor, E. T., Grocutt, L., Herzáin, A., Herzberg, R.-D., Hodge, D., Jakobsson, U., Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Keatings, J. & Konki, J. & 26 others, Leino, M., McKee, P. P., McPeake, C., Mengoni, D., Mistry, A. K., Mulholland, K. F., Singh, B. S. N., O'Neill, G. G., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Peura, P., Rahkila, P., Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Sarén, J., Scheck, M., Scholey, C., Siciliano, M., Smolen, M., Sorri, J., Spagnoletti, P., Spohr, K. M., Stolze, S., Taylor, M. J. & Uusitalo, J., 30 Oct 2019, In: Physical Review C. 100, 4, 9 p., 044323.

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  • 2018

    Level structure above the 17+ isomeric state in 15269Tm83

    Nara Singh, B. S., Cullen, D. M., Taylor, M. J., Srivastava, P. C., Van Isacker, P., Beeke, O., Dodson, B., O'Donnell, D., Jakobson, U., Grahn, T., Greenlees, P. T., Jones, P. M., Julin, R., Khan, S., Leino, M., Leppanen, A.-P., Eeckhaudt, S., Mantyniemi, K., Pakarinen, J. & Peura, P. & 5 others, Rahkila, P., Sarén, J., Sorri, J., Uusitalo, J. & Venhart, M., 28 Aug 2018, In: Physical Review C. 98, 2, 11 p., 024319.

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  • Lifetime measurements of excited states in 172Pt and the variation of quadrupole transition strength with angular momentum

    Cederwall, B., Doncel, M., Aktaş, Ö., Ertoprak, A., Liotta, R., Qi, C., Grahn, T., Cullen, D. M., Nara Singh, B. S., Hodge, D., Giles, M., Stolze, S., Badran, H., Braunroth, T., Calverley, T., Cox, D. M., Fang, Y. D., Greenlees, P. T., Hilton, J. & Ideguchi, E. & 21 others, Julin, R., Juutinen, S., Kumar Raju, M., Li, H., Liu, H., Matta, S., Modamio, V., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Petrache, C. M., Rahkila, P., Ruotslainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Saren, J., Scholey, C., Sorri, J., Subramaniam, P., Taylor, M. J., Uusitalo, J. & Valiente-Dobon, J. J., 10 Jul 2018, In: Physical Review Letters. 121, 2, 6 p., 022502.

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  • Lifetime measurements of lowest states in the πg7/2νh11/2 rotational band in 112I

    Giles, M. M., Cullen, D. M., Singh, B. S. N., Hodge, D., Taylor, M. J., Mallaburn, M. J., Sosnin, N. V., Barber, L., Smith, J. F., Capponi, L., Smolen, M., Scholey, C., Rahkila, P., Grahn, T., Badran, H., Girka, A., Greenlees, P. T., Julin, R., Konki, J. & Nefodov, O. & 11 others, Ruotsalainen, P., Sandzelius, M., Saren, J., Sorri, J., Stolze, S., Uusitalo, J., Pakarinen, J., Papadakis, P., Partanen, J., Braunroth, T. & O'Neill, G. G., 17 Oct 2018, In: Physical Review C. 98, 4, p. 1-8 8 p., 044315.

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  • 2017

    Lifetime measurement of neutron-rich even-even molybdenum isotopes

    Ralet, D., Pietri, S., Rodriguez, T., Alaqeel, M., Alexander, T., Alkhomashi, N., Ameil, F., Arici, T., Atac, A., Avigo, R., Back, T., Bazzacco, D., Birkenbach, B., Boutachkov, P., Bruyneel, B., Bruce, A. M., Camera, F., Cederwall, B., Ceruti, S. & Clement, E. & 75 others, Cortes, M. L., Curien, D., De Angelis, G., Desesquelles, P., Dewald, M., Didierjean, F., Domingo-Pardo, C., Doncel, M., Duchene, G., Eberth, J., Gadea, A., Gerl, J., Ghazi Moradi, F., Geissel, H., Goigoux, T., Goel, N., Golubev, P., Gonzalez, V., Gorska, M., Gottardo, A., Gregor, E., Guastalla, G., Givechev, A., Habermann, T., Hackstein, M., Harkness-Brennan, L., Henning, G., Hess, H., Huyuk, T., Jolie, J., Judson, D. S., Jungclaus, A., Knoebel, R., Kojouharov, I., Korichi, A., Korten, W., Kurz, N., Labiche, M., Lalović, N., Louchart-Henning, C., Mengoni, D., Merchán, E., Million, B., Morales, A. I., Napoli, D., Naqvi, F., Nyberg, J., Pietralla, N., Podolyák, Z., Pullia, A., Prochazka, A., Quintana, B., Rainovski, G., Reese, M., Recchia, F., Reiter, P., Rudolph, D., Salsac, M. D., Sanchis, E., Sarmiento, L. G., Schaffner, H., Scheidenberger, C., Sengele, L., Nara Singh, B. S., Singh, P. P., Stahl, C., Stezowski, O., Thoele, P., Valiente Dobon, J. J., Weick, H., Wendt, A., Wieland, O., Winfield, J. S., Wollersheim, H. J. & Zielinska, M., 27 Mar 2017, In: Physical Review C. 95, 3, 034320.

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  • 2016

    Corrigendum to: “Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr” [Nucl. Phys. A 899 (2013) 1–28]

    Albers, M., Nomura, K., Warr, N., Blazhev, A., Jolie, J., Mücher, D., Bastin, B., Bauer, C., Bernards, C., Bettermann, L., Bildstein, V., Butterworth, J., Cappellazzo, M., Cederkäll, J., Cline, D., Darby, I., Das Gupta, S., Daugas, J. M., Davinson, T. & De Witte, H. & 47 others, Diriken, J., Filipescu, D., Fiori, E., Fransen, C., Gaffney, L. P., Georgiev, G., Gernhäuser, R., Hackstein, M., Heinze, S., Hess, H., Huyse, M., Jenkins, D., Konki, J., Kowalczyk, M., Kröll, T., Krücken, R., Litzinger, J., Lutter, R., Marginean, N., Mihai, C., Moschner, K., Napiorkowski, P., Singh, B. S. N., Nowak, K., Pakarinen, J., Pfeiffer, M., Radeck, D., Reiter, P., Rigby, S., Robledo, L. M., Rodríguez-Guzmán, R., Rudigier, M., Scheck, M., Seidlitz, M., Siebeck, B., Simpson, G., Thöle, P., Thomas, T., Van de Walle, J., Van Duppen, P., Vermeulen, M., Voulot, D., Wadsworth, R., Wenander, F., Wimmer, K., Zell, K. O. & Zielinska, M., Mar 2016, In: Nuclear Physics A. 947, p. 260-262

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    1 Citation (Scopus)