Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Dr. Muravsky is happy to supervise projects that look to advance the marketing and management literature in the following areas:
1. Effectiveness and success factors of brand alliances/ co-branding
2. Creating and managing inclusive advertising
3. Advertising and persuasion knowledge / suspicion / distrust
4. The use of gamification in marketing and management
5. Consumer perception of the use of brand characters
6. AI transformation of marketing communications and consumer-company relationships

* Dr. Muravsky is also open to supervise interesting projects in different contexts.


Research activity per year

Conference contribution

Search results

  • 2020

    Introducing perceived gamification in marketing

    Muravskaia, S., Smirnova, M. & Muravskii, D., 11 Nov 2020, Annual GSOM Emerging Markets Conference 2020: St. Petersburg, November 11-18, 2020. Blagov, Y. E., Panibratov, A. Y., Latukha, M., Kucherov, D., Kudryavtsev, D., Smirnova, M., Gilenko, E., Bukhvalov, A., Kuropatkina, T. & Yanvareva, E. (eds.). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University, p. 294-299 6 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review