UWS student named one of 50 most inspirational Egyptian women

Press/Media: Research


Professor Katarzyna Kosmala's docotoral researcher Reem Kassem has been selected on a prestigious annual list, highlighting the most inspirational women from Egypt.

 Reem Kassem has been named as one of Women of Egypt’s 50 inspirational women for 2021.

Reem currently works as a Theatre Programmer at the Cultural Foundation in Abu Dhabi and in her doctoral reseach she co-founded Basita.live, an innovative virtual platform allowing the cultural sector to host online performances during the Covid-19 pandemic

The project, which is the focus of her doctoral research, was also recently highlighted by the Abu Dhabi investment officer, as part of a feature looking at the top female industry leaders working in the United Arab Emirates.


Period12 Mar 2021 → 18 Mar 2021

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleUWS PhD student named one of 50 most inspirational Egyptian women
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletRenfrewshire 24
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionProf Kosmala's cited.
    The PhD student is also co-founder of Basita.live, an innovative virtual platform allowing the cultural sector to host online performances during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, Reem’s PhD supervisor at UWS, alongside Professor Graham Jeffrey, said: “I am absolutely delighted that Reem has been named one of the most 50 inspirational Egyptian Women by Women of Egypt.

    “Her doctoral research, investigating cultural engagement in the context of crisis, focusing on resilience building and community wellbeing in a digital age, has such a real application.

    “Even during the current pandemic she has found a way to make a difference, supporting a sector that has been hard-hit economically through the innovative Basita.Live. Her work in the cultural sector over the past 17-years can only be admired.”
    Producer/AuthorRicky Kelly
    PersonsKatarzyna Kosmala, Reem Kassem
  • TitleGlasgowUWS Paisley student named one of 50 most inspirational Egyptian women
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletGlasgow Live
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionA PHD student at the University of The West of Scotland (UWS) in Paisley has been named as one of the 50 most inspirational Egyptian women for 2021.

    Reem Kassem, who studies at UWS’s highly-regarded School of Business and Creative Industries, has been recognised for her role in co-founding Basita.live, an innovative virtual platform allowing the cultural sector to host online performances amid the pandemic.
    Producer/AuthorCraig Williams
    PersonsKatarzyna Kosmala, Reem Kassem
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletUWS
    Media typeWeb
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe PhD student Reem Kassem's project, which is the focus of her doctoral research, was also recently highlighted by the Abu Dhabi investment officer, as part of a feature looking at the top female industry leaders working in the United Arab Emirates.

    Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, Reem’s PhD supervisor at UWS, alongside Professor Graham Jeffrey, said: “I am absolutely delighted that Reem has been named one of the most 50 inspirational Egyptian Women by Women of Egypt. Her doctoral research, investigating cultural engagement in the context of crisis, focusing on resilience building and community wellbeing in a digital age, has such a real application. Even during the current pandemic she has found a way to make a difference, supporting a sector that has been hard-hit economically through innovative Basita.Live”.

    “She has worked in the cultural sector for the past 17-year, and has made a significant impact that can only be admired.

    PersonsKatarzyna Kosmala, Reem Kassem


  • women
  • enterpreneur
  • award
  • Covid-19
  • doctoral research
  • digital innovation
  • community research
  • Egypt
  • UAE