Media coverage
Media coverage
Title Driving ambition ahead of her time Degree of recognition Local Media name/outlet Paisley Daily Express Media type Print Duration/Length/Size Full page with images Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 20/10/17 Description Feature emphasising UWS academics probing D Pullinger's Paisley heritage connection drawing on research linking to Pullinger's family and business operations in Paisley town. Her father, Thomas Pullinger, had become managing director of the Arrol-Johnston factory in 1907, then situated in an industrial area off Underwood Road, directly below the Coats Observatory. Producer/Author Kenneth Speirs Persons Katarzyna Kosmala, Katherine Kirk, Dr Nina Baker Title In search of Dorothee Pullinger's Paisley Connection Degree of recognition International Media name/outlet UWS news Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 11/10/17 Description Feature pointing out why extraordinary life of the pioneering motor engineer Dorothee Pullinger links with UWS research on Paisley heritage and the film project on her work and life. Producer/Author UWS media URL Persons Katarzyna Kosmala, Katherine Kirk, Anthony Grace
Media contributions
1Media contributions
Title The story of Dorothée Pullinger Degree of recognition National Media name/outlet My Story of Paisley in Paisley 2021 for the UK City of Culture Media type Web Country/Territory United Kingdom Date 5/10/17 Description Dorothée Pullinger's extraordinary life and work continues to fascinate cultural researchers and engineering historians, now UWS academics are searching for her Paisley connection. The research was enabled by a Royal Academy of Engineering Ingenious award in 2017 for "A Car for Women, and other stories" project, and the University of the West of Scotland’s Vice Principal’s Research Fund, under the multidisciplinary joint venture between the teams of the School of Engineering and Computing led by Prof Katherine Kirk and the School of Media, Culture and Society led by Prof Katarzyna Kosmala of University of the West of Scotland in collaboration with Scottish cultural organizations and independent historians. Producer/Author Paisley for UK City of Culture 2021 URLée-pullinger/ Persons Katarzyna Kosmala, Katherine Kirk, Anthony Grace, Evdoxia Viza