A car for a woman and other stories

Press/Media: Research


A feature acknowledging an interdisciplinary team of engineers, cultural theorists, filmmakers and media specialists of UWS creating a film about the engineering pioneer and hero - Dorothée Pullinger.

Engineers Professor Katherine Kirk and Dr Evi Viza are working with the filmmaker Tony Grace and cultural theorist Professor Katarzyna Kosmala, both from the UWS School of Media, Culture and Society, Dr Nina Baker, an independent engineering historian, and Neil Johnson-Symington, Curator at Riverside Museum of Transport in Glasgow, on the project about Dorothée’s life and work. With Dorothée’s local roots and history of championing women’s involvement in engineering, she was an obvious fit for a film exploring women’s engagement with engineering. 

Period1 Jan 2018 → 1 Mar 2018

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleA car for a woman and other stories
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletINGENIA Issue 74 March 2018
    Media typePrint
    Duration/Length/Sizep 35
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionFeature detailing the film project that hopes to inspire the next generation of women to pursue careers in engineering by revealing the untold histories of women engineers. The film acts as a vehicle for the project to tell Dorothée’s story, and will have an interdisciplinary impact – not just reaching engineers through exemplars of engineering, but also providing creative opportunities for cultural and media students. The film has inspired UWS music MA students, who have produced songs written from the point of view of the women engineers who moved to Dumfries to work on the car.

    Feature by Portia Sale based on the interview with Prof K Kirk and Prof K Kosmala
    Producer/AuthorPortia Sale, Royal Society of Engineering
    PersonsKatarzyna Kosmala, Katherine Kirk, Anthony Grace, Dr Nina Baker , Neil Johnson-Symington, Evdoxia Viza
  • TitleA car for a women a career for all
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletUWS postgraduate and post-experience 2018 prospectus
    Media typeWeb
    Duration/Length/Sizep. 31 with images
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    DescriptionThe feature in Engineering section of UWS postgraduate prospectus 2018 using the research project as an example of attractive career for both genders in engineering field. The information on how the research project has been already used for a production of creative work with MA students in Media Culture and Society students is also detailed.
    Producer/AuthorInsight for UWS
    PersonsKatarzyna Kosmala, Katherine Kirk, Anthony Grace