PhD Examination: Creating a 'Conscious Theatre Practice' as Self-Realisation Process

  • Kosmala, K. (Examiner)
  • Daniel Meyer-Dinkgräfe (Examiner)

    Activity: Examination


    Practice-as research study investigating ways in which creative processes in the making of theatre works can be augmented by contemplative practice. The research comprises three theatrical productions that were publicly presented across the duration of the doctoral research: Blood Lines, 2014; Tommy's Song, 2015 and Awkward - The Life in Twenty-Six Postures, 2016.
    Period5 Nov 2018
    ExamineeLouise Prendergast
    Examination held at
    Degree of RecognitionNational


    • gender
    • theatre practice
    • consciousness
    • performance
    • identity
    • self