Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (Journal)

Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity


In recent years, the increase in environmental pollution and climate change problems has created many challenges for the management of ecosystems around the globe. Climate change occurs due to natural hazards and human-made activities that damage the ecosystem through cyclones, tornadoes, and wildfires, and other potential threats. Effective conservation plans are needed for maintaining the best environmental health by obtaining information from ecosystems through remote sensing by analyzing up-to-date geographical data and also finding the optimum spatial relationship between natural resources, human activities, and natural hazards for maintaining a better ecosystem. Such data improves ecosystem management and enhances monitoring of the resources available in the ecosystem. It also could provide preventive solutions to ecosystem threats.

Remote sensing technology with dynamic and integrated measurements of ecosystem health helps to monitor and effectively manage assessment associated with the ecosystem. Tools included for ecosystem monitoring, such as geographical information systems, have potential for mapping within a specific area to visualize spatial and temporal patterns. These data ultimately help improve services and implementation of policies. Remote sensing for ecosystem health includes mainly vigorous health, including green vegetation, bare soil cover, and biochemical properties of vegetation. Remote sensing of the organization consists of species richness and biodiversity, structural train, e.g. tree height.

Despite having potential advantages of remote sensing in maintaining the health of ecosystems around the globe, potential challenges associated with its implementation include mainly special scale issues, transportability of remotely sensed data through sensors, and costly data availability for enhancing quality. In addition, uncertainties in ecosystem health pose potential challenges to remote sensing technology in ecosystem health management. Based on the above, we invite researchers working in ecosystem and remote sensing technology to address the research gap associated with the management of the ecosystem with remote sensing technology and find potential solutions for its implementation.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Remote sensing technology in mountain ecosystems
Current challenges of incorporating remote sensing technology in ecosystem management
Advanced sensing technologies for the management of ecosystem
Effective policies for ecosystem management
The role of remote sensing technology in environmental studies and modeling
Preprocessing and validation issues associated in remote sensing technology for ecological location mapping
Remote sensing technology in estimating forest structure
Applications of remote sensing in ecosystem management
Evaluating carbon stocks using remote sensing technology
Achieving smart forest using remote sensing technology
Remote sensing technology in tropical forests
To submit a manuscript for consideration, please prepare the manuscript according to the journal guidelines and submit the paper via the online submission system ( A cover letter indicating that the submission is intended for this special section should be included with the paper. Papers will be peer reviewed in accordance with the journal’s established policies and procedures. Peer review will commence immediately upon manuscript submission, with a goal of making a first decision within six weeks of manuscript submission. The special section is opened online once a minimum of four papers have been accepted. Each paper is published as soon as the copyedited and typeset proofs are approved by the author.
Type of journalJournal
Degree of RecognitionInternational