AHRC/JPICH Workshop on re-use & continued use of historic buildings, urban centres & landscapes

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


    As part of the Joint Programming Initiative in Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPICH) a free workshop on Re-use and continued use of historic buildings, urban centres and landscapes is to be held at the University of Leicester. We would like to invite you to join the discussion and provide valuable insights which will feed into the development of a long-term strategy for the JPICH.
    The workshop will include presentations and discussion on the following research areas:
    Conservation and Planning
    Diversity and Communities
    Immersive, multi-sensory engagement and virtual reality
    Contested Heritage
    Period26 Nov 2018
    Event titleAHRC/JPICH workshop on re-use and continued use of urban buildings, urban centres and historic landscapes
    Event typeWorkshop
    LocationLeicester, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational


    • heritage
    • regeneration
    • social inclusion
    • diversity
    • cultural policy
    • urban planning
    • cultural studies
    • cultural geography
    • urban space